Modify Work Schedule Properties

Employee work schedules define workdays, non-workdays, off days, holidays, and vacations. Use the Employee Work Schedule screen to modify work schedule properties.

To modify work schedule properties, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Time Entry menu, click Schedule > Employee Work Schedule to display the Employee Work Schedule screen.
  2. In the calendar, select the desired month. To change the month, choose one of the following actions in the calendar header:
    • Click the arrows to page through to the desired month.
    • Click the month name to open the Select a Date dialog box, where you can select the month from a drop-down list. Click any date on the calendar to close the dialog box.
  3. Choose one of following actions:
    • To edit properties for specific date, click the date on the calendar.
    • To edit properties for a particular day of the week, click the column heading of that day. Any modifications you make, will be applied to the selected day (Saturday, for example) in both the current month and all future months.
  4. Click Edit Date/Day of Week Properties to open the Date Properties or Day of Week dialog box. The title of the dialog box changes based on your selection above.
  5. Modify the desired fields, and when you are finished, choose one of the following actions:
    Option Description
    Update Select this option to save your changes and close the dialog box.
    Reset Select this option to remove the employee-specific properties currently displayed. The properties from the next available level take effect and are displayed in the dialog box. Those property levels, in the order in which they take effect, are employee date, company date, employee day of week, and company day of week.
    Cancel Select this option to discard your changes and close the dialog box.