Authenticate Signature Tab of the Submit Screen

The Authenticate Signature tab displays if you are required to provide authentication when submitting an expense report.

Screen Fields

Field Description
Enter Password

To authenticate the expense report, enter the same password in this field that you use to access Deltek Expense.

When you sign a corrected expense report, the Approve and Review tasks are marked as complete if the report does not contain new expenses, changed expense amounts, or removed expenses. In this case, Deltek Expense does not display the User Directed Workflow, Receipt Information, and Due Company tabs.

Note: If someone other than the employee signed the expense report, the signature text displays in red. To view the date and time of the signature, hover your cursor over the signature and both will display. In cases where you revise a previously submitted expense report, or your expense report is rejected, your administrator may have configured the system to require that you re-scan your previously submitted image receipts. Otherwise, Deltek Expense retains your image receipts to accompany your expense report when you revise or resubmit it for approval.

Click Cancel to discontinue the submittal process.


Click Back to return to the previous tab.


Click Submit to submit the expense report for approval.