Submit Screen

The Submit screen initiates processing of your completed expense authorization report.

The Submit screen includes the following tabs:

  • Errors/Warnings — This tab displays if the expense report fails any specified validations.
  • User Directed Workflow — This tab displays if you are allowed to designate a specific person or role to approve the expense report.
  • Receipt Information — This tab only displays if you are allowed to .
  • Due Company — This tab only displays if you are allowed to .
  • Authenticate Signature — This tab displays if you are required to sign the expense report before submitting it.
Note: When you sign a corrected expense report, the Approve and Review tasks are marked as complete if the report does not contain new expenses, changed expense amounts, or removed expenses. In this case, Deltek Expense does not display the User Directed Workflow, Receipt Information, and Due Company pages.

After you successfully submit your expense report, the Workflow Status section displays if the expense report requires attachments.