Manage Currencies

Use the Manage Currencies screen to set up currency codes for your system. You use currencies to identify the country in which an expense is incurred.

You cannot delete a currency code if it is being used in any of the following:

  • An employee record
  • A batch expense record
  • A cash advance
  • As a default on the Configure General Settings screen
  • On an expense report
  • On an expense authorization


To display the Manage Currencies screen, complete the following step:

Click Time & Expense > Expense > Expense Controls > Manage Currencies.


Screen Fields

Field Description

Enter a three-character, uppercase, alphanumeric currency code. Each code must be unique.

Note: The code entered must be a valid Java currency code and must not already exist in the system.

Enter up to 60 characters for a currency description. If you do not enter a unique description, the system displays an error message.

ISO Number Code

This non-editable field displays the three-digit ISO number that corresponds to the currency code.


Select this check box to make this currency available for use. Only currencies selected for use are displayed in Currency drop-down boxes through the system. This check box is selected by default.