Advance Utility

Use the Advance Utility screen to add, edit or delete imported cash advances or to manually enter cash advances. You should enter cash advance records before entering expense reports.

To determine whether the employee is eligible for cash advance, the system compares the number of outstanding cash advance records in this screen and the total amount of outstanding cash advances for the employee

Note: If an expense report has been entered against a cash advance, the Delete function becomes disabled.


To display the Advance Utility screen, complete the following step:

Click Time & Expense > Expense > Expense Utilities > Advance Utility.


Screen Fields

Field Description

For manually entered cash advances, click to select the employee for whom the cash advance is being added. For imported cash advances, this field displays the employee's name and ID.

You can change the Employee field only in Add Mode.

Note: The employee’s ID displays only if the system is configured to show employee IDs. If the Expense Report displays an ID, the Employee field is disabled.
Advance ID

For manually entered cash advances, enter the reference number (typically the check number or EFT number) that was used for the cash advance. For imported cash advances, this field displays the reference number that was used for the cash advance.

Note: If the Expense Report displays an ID, the Advance ID field is disabled.

General Information

Field Description
Advance Request Date

For manually entered cash advances, click to select the date on which the cash advance was issued. For imported cash advances, this field displays the date on which the cash advance was issued or requested.

Note: If the Expense Report displays an ID, the Advance Date field is disabled.
Advance Due Date

Click to select the date on which the cash advance is due.

Payment Info

Field Description
Check EFT/ Number

This field displays the check number or EFT payment advice number for the advance that was paid.

Advance Payment Date

This field displays the date the payment was made and derives from the import file. Click to select a different date.


For manually entered cash advances, use the drop-down list to select the type of payment that was used for this cash advance. The valid values are:

  • Check - Select this option if a check was used to pay the cash advance to the employee.
  • Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) - Select this option if an EFT (Direct Deposit) was used to pay the cash advance to the employee.
  • Other - Select this option if another form of payment was used to pay the cash advance to the employee.

    For imported cash advances, this field displays the type of payment that was used for this cash advance.

    Note: If the Expense Report displays an ID, the Type field is disabled.
Pay Amount (Employee's Pay Currency)

For manually entered cash advances, enter the amount of the cash advance that the employee received in the currency in which he received it. For imported cash advances, this field displays the amount of the cash advance in the employee's pay currency.

Note: If the Expense Report displays an ID, this Amount is disabled.
Base Amount (System's Base Currency)

For manually entered cash advances, enter the amount of the cash advance that the employee received in the system's base currency. For imported cash advances, this field displays the amount of the cash advance in the system's base currency.

Note: If the Expense Report displays an ID, this Amount is disabled.

Posting Info

Field Description
Expense Report

This field remains empty until you enter an expense report and apply the cash advance to it by clicking . The system updates this screen with the Expense Report ID. When this occurs, all other fields on this screen becomes disabled.

Expense Authorization Click to select an expense authorization.