Advance Request Tab of the Submit Screen

Use the Advance Request tab to request an advance when submitting the expense authorization.

This tab displays if you are authorized to request an advance, and if the following conditions are true:

  • Your expense class allows you to request a cash advance (if the Cash Advance Limit field is greater than 0.00).
  • The total amount of all Outstanding Cash Advances has not yet been reached (as defined by the expense authorization type).
  • The total number of all Outstanding Cash Advances has not yet been reached (as defined by the expense authorization type).
  • For Costpoint 7 users, if the Advance Pay Method has been configured to contain both an Account (UDT01) and an Org (UDT09).

Screen Fields

Field Description
Do you require an advance?

Specify whether you require an advance by selecting either Yes or No.

The cash advance approval is separate from the expense authorization approval. If the cash advance request is rejected, the expense authorization can still be approved.

Note: Even if you already entered an advance request on the Advances tab in the Supporting Schedules section, click Yes. The advance information you already entered automatically completes the fields on this tab.
Advance Amount

Enter the advance amount you require, which displays in the format of your pay currency.

Date Needed

Click Calendar to select the date by which you need the advance.


Enter a reason for the advance or other comments.


Click Back to return to the previous tab.


Click Cancel to discontinue the submittal process.


Click Continue to proceed to the next tab, if applicable.


This button displays if no other tabs require completion. Click Submit to submit the expense authorization for approval.