Purpose Tab

Use the Purpose tab of the Background section to enter basic background information for the expense authorization.

If a field is required, an asterisk displays next to the field.

Screen Fields

Field Description

The Employee field automatically displays your employee information. If your functional role allows it, you can select a different employee.

Authorization Type

Use the drop-down list to select the expense authorization type on which to base the authorization. The valid expense authorization types are those that are linked to the expense class of the employee and that have the Expense Authorization field set to Required or Optional. If this is a copied authorization, this field is non-editable.

Note: This field displays in the header area after you successfully create the authorization.
Blanket Authorization

This check box only displays in the Create mode.

Select this check box if this is a blanket authorization. Blanket authorizations are used to cover expenses that will occur over a period of time, such as for a series of upcoming business trips. In such cases, multiple expense reports will be submitted against the same authorization.

This field appears only if the authorization type you selected allows blanket authorizations. After more than one expense report is attached to the authorization, the Blanket Authorization check box is disabled, and the authorization cannot be changed to a non-blanket status.

Short Description

Enter a short description for the expense authorization. There is a limit of 30 characters for this field, and it is required.

This information displays in the header area after you successfully create the authorization.


This field defaults to the current date. To change the date, enter it manually, or select a date from the calendar that displays below the field. In the two-month view, the calendar displays the default month and date on the right and the previous month on the left. Click the arrows at the top of the calendar to change the month. The date you enter or select in the From field automatically displays in the To field. The value you enter must be valid date format, which are numeric characters. The date format is "MM/DD/YYYY."

The date you enter or select in this field automatically displays in the Start Date field of the Locations tab. If you change the From date within the Purpose tab of an existing expense authorization, the system will prompt you to update the Start Date within the Locations tab.

First Day of Trip

Select this check box if the From Date you entered represents the first day of the trip. If it is a continuation of the trip, leave this check box clear.


This field is initially blank, but after you select a date in the From field, that date displays as the default date in the To field. To change the date, enter it manually, or select a date from the calendar that displays below the field. In the two-month view, the calendar displays the default month and date on the left and the next month on the right. Click the arrows at the top of the calendar to navigate to a different month. The value you enter must be valid date format, which are numeric characters. The date format is "MM/DD/YYYY."

The date you enter or select in this field automatically displays in the End Date field of the Locations tab. If you change the To date within the Purpose tab of an existing expense authorization, the system will prompt you to update the End Date within the Locations tab.

Last Day of Trip

Select this check box if the To Date represents the last day of the trip. If the trip will continue and be entered on a separate expense report, leave this check box clear.

This field displays only if the expense authorization is for a per diem expense report type.


Enter the purpose for the expense authorization. This can be much longer than the short description. This field is also required.


This button displays in the Create mode. Click Cancel to exit Create mode and return to the Expense Authorization Welcome screen.


This button displays in the Create mode. After completing fields on the Purpose tab, click Continue to advance to the Location(s) tab.


This button displays in the Edit mode, after the expense authorization is created. Click Reset to clear any modifications you have made without saving them.


This button displays in the Edit mode, after the expense authorization is created. Click Update to save the changes you have made.