Notifications Tab

Use the Notifications tab to set up the types of notifications to be sent.

Screen Fields

Field Description
Automatically Send Notifications after Producing Report

Select the check box to send notifications immediately after you produce the report.

If you leave this check box clear, click and select Floorcheck Notification to send notifications later.

  • Employees — Select this check box to send notifications to employees who have failed the floor check.
  • Other — Select this check box if you want the supervisors of the employees who failed the floor check to receive the notifications. The list of employees are combined for e-mails if you selected multiple rows in the Show Floorcheck Result (Notify) Subtask. For example, if a supervisor has five employees who have failed a specific floor check and an e-mail is sent, the five employees are listed in the body of the e-mail.
Notify Types
  • Tasks — Select this check box if you want task type notifications sent when you select the Process.
  • Emails — Select this check box if you want e-mail type notifications sent when you select .
  • Notes — Enter up to 254 characters for a note that will be included in the tasks and alerts that are sent to the employee and/or the supervisor of the employee who has failed the daily floor check.