Contents Add Dependents/Beneficiaries Dialog Box


Field Description
First Name

This field displays the first name of the dependent/beneficiary.

Middle Name

This field displays the middle name of the dependent/beneficiary.

Last Name

This field displays the last name of the dependent/beneficiary.

SSN / Government ID

This field displays the dependent/beneficiary's social security number or government ID number.


Use this drop-down list to select the relationship of the dependent/beneficiary to you.

Other Relationship

In this field, you can enter the other relationship of the dependent/beneficiary to you. This field will be enabled if you select Other in the Relationship drop-down list.


If you select Other in the Relationship drop-down list, the Other Relationship field will be required. If you do not enter a value, the system will display the following message: "Other Relationship is required when "Other" is selected as the Relationship."


Use this drop-down list to select the gender of the dependent/beneficiary.


Select the applicable option: Dependent & Beneficiary, Beneficiary Only, or Dependent Only.


Select the Student and Handicapped check boxes, if applicable, for the dependent/beneficiary.

Field Description
Date of Birth / Agreement

This field displays the date of birth (or date of legal agreement/document) of the dependent/beneficiary.


Field Description
Same Address as Employee

Select this check box when the dependent/beneficiary's mailing address is the same as yours.


Changes to employee address should be made from Address/Telephone information

Street 1

Enter up to a 30-character, alphanumeric street address, line 1, for the dependent/beneficiary.

Street 2

Enter up to a 30-character, alphanumeric street address, line 2, for the dependent/beneficiary.

Street 3

Enter up to a 30-character, alphanumeric street address, line 3, for the dependent/beneficiary.


Enter up to a 25-character, alphanumeric city for the dependent/beneficiary.



Field Description

Enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters for the dependent/beneficiary’s home telephone information.


Enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters for the dependent/beneficiary’s business telephone information.


Select this button to reset any changes made and return to what was in the system when you first entered the screen (before making any changes).