Line Level Approval Overview

Project managers can use the Line Level Approval feature to review, approve, and/or reject specific charge allocations on an expense report, depending on how UDT01/UDT02 is set up.

To use this feature, the manager's functional role must have the appropriate rights. You can enable or disable this feature in the Line Level Approval field on the Miscellaneous tab of the Expense Configuration screen. The options are:

  • Disabled - The Line Level Approval feature is not used.
  • Optional - The Line Level Approval feature is turned on. Project managers can approve an expense report, but absence of approval does not prevent the expense report from continuing through the workflow process. However, if a project manager rejects a charge, the expense report workflow will be halted.
  • Required - The Line Level Approval feature is turned on. The expense report status will not be set to Approved until all appropriate line charges are approved. The expense report will NOT continue through workflow without charge approvals.

    To have a charge considered in the Line Level Approval process, you must select the Line Level Approve check box for the charge in the Basic Information tab of the UDT01 or UDT02 screens.