Set Up Charge Level Security

Use the Charge Level Security feature to limit the charge information a supervisor sees, depending on his or her security role.

To set up the Charge Level Security Feature, complete the following steps:

  1. Add employees as supervisors. On the UDT01 or UDT02 screen, add the appropriate employees as supervisors on the Supervisors tab. Assign the supervisors to the appropriate functional role.
  2. Apply charge level security. Update an existing security role or create a new security role with the activated charge level security feature. Open the Security Roles screen from the Administration > Users & Groups menu and select the Apply Charge Level Security check box for the appropriate security role.
  3. Verify the security role. Make sure that the appropriate supervisor is assigned to the correct security role. Open the Employee Information screen from the Administration > Users & Groups menu and if necessary, update the Security Role field on the Defaults tab with the security role from the previous step.