Benefits Medical Benefits

Use the Medical Benefits screen to set up your medical insurance.

The Medical Benefits screen contains several tables:

  • Current Coverage — Use this table to review your current medical insurance plan, coverage, and cost.
  • Enroll in New Coverage — Use this table to make a new medical insurance election.
  • Primary Care Physician Information — Use this table to enter information about your primary care physician, if the plan you select requires that you have one.
  • Dependent Information — Use this table to select one or more dependents to include in your medical insurance plan.

Current Coverage

Field Description
Medical Plan

This field displays the name of your current medical insurance plan.

Coverage Level

This field displays your current level of coverage (for example, Employee or Family).

<Frequency> Premium

This field displays your current premium amount per pay period (for example, the premium per month if you are paid monthly).

If there is no current medical election for you, you will see the following message "You are currently not covered under a benefit plan. To enroll, please make a selection below and click the ‘Save’ button."

Enroll in New Coverage

Field Description
Medical Plan

This field displays all of the medical insurance options available to you. The plan name may display as a hyperlink, which you can click to access the Medical Copay table or the plan's website.

<Coverage Level> Options and Medical Plan

These columns display your medical coverage options (for example, Employee or Family) and associated premiums for different plan/coverage options. Select a plan/coverage combination.

Primary Care Physician Information

Field Description
Primary Care Physician Name

If the plan that you select requires a primary care physician, the Primary Care Physician Name and Primary Care Physician # columns display. Enter your primary care physician's name.

Primary Care Physician #

Enter your primary care physician's identification number.

Dependent Information

Field Description

Select the check box to the left of the dependent's name to indicate that the dependent should be covered under the plan. If the check box is unchecked, the dependent will not be covered.

The check box is enabled if the selected plan and coverage option require dependents.


This field displays the name of a dependent.


This field displays the relationship of the dependent to you.

Primary Care Physician Name

If the plan that you select requires a primary care physician, the Primary Care Physician Name and Primary Care Physician # columns display. Enter the name of your dependent's physician.

Primary Care Physician #

Enter the identification number of your dependent's physician.

Medical Plan Copay

Select the Medical Plan hyperlink in the Enroll in New Coverage table to display the Medical Plan Copay table, if one is available.

Coverage Type

This field displays copay information for the selected plan.


This field displays in-network fees for medical expenses for the coverage type.


This field displays out-of-network fees for medical expenses for the coverage type.