Overview of the Batch Types Feature

The Batch Types feature allows you to easily import expenses charged to company-issued credit cards and generate monthly, weekly, or daily expense reports.

Deltek Expense supports the ability to import batch expenses, or "Credit Card Feeds." This is very useful if your company distributes company credit cards to your employees and you receive one or more statements detailing the expenses charged to that card. You can import the credit card statements as often as necessary - monthly, weekly, even daily. Your employees can select these imported expenses on expense reports where they can be detailed and accounted for.

Maintain Imported Expenses Screen

Once the file has been obtained from American Express, you can import it into Deltek Expense using the Maintain Expenses screen.

Use this screen to import expenses from a credit card feed, select existing records to maintain, and manually enter expenses. You can also use this screen to post these transactions so the employee can select and expense them on an expense report. You have the ability to both import expenses from a feed and manually enter them in the same batch. See the Maintain Imported Expenses Screen online help topic for details.

Using Batch Expenses

Once posted, the transactions entered in the Maintain Imported Expenses screen are available for you to select as expenses on an expense report.

The list of Outstanding Expenses will be the first screen displayed once you select the Category on an expense report. The list will contain all outstanding expenses for the Category selected plus any outstanding expenses that have a Category of "Other."  After selecting the outstanding expense, you will be taken through the wizard. Any fields that are required for the Expense Type selected that were not provided in the Maintain Expenses screen will be blank and you will be required to make a selection before continuing with the expense. Some fields will already be filled out you will not be able to change them. Once selected, that expense is removed from the list of Outstanding Expenses.