Amex Record 1 Insurance Mapping

The Amex KR1025 Record 1 Insurance Mapping file layout identifies detail information for fields 614 through 819 as they relate to insurance expenses. The file contains the field name, the picture location, the character location of the field, the length of each field, and any notes regarding the field.

Field Picture Location Length Notes
Premium Identification* X(07) 614-621 7  
Policy Name* X(20) 622-642 20  
Policy Number* X(12) 643-655 12  
Additional Policy Number* X(20) 656-676 20  
Policy Period* X(20) 677-697 20  
Stamp Duty* X(10) 698-708 10  
Commission* X(10) 709-719 10  
Filler X(100) 720-819 100