Master Data Import History Screen

Use the Master Data Import History screen to view information on the import transaction errors. You can also edit, retry, delete, and print import transactions from this tab.

Screen Fields

Field Description

Use this drop-down list to select the import transaction table that you wish to view. Only the import transaction tables that currently have errors display in the drop-down list. The potential options are:

All UDT01 LINK12
Timesheet Rejections UDT01 Supervisor LINK17
Expense Report Rejections UDT02 LINK19
Expense Report Payment UDT02 Supervisor LINK27
Employee UDT03 LINK29
Employee History UDT04 LINK93
Employee Leave UDT05  
Employee Group UDT06  
Timesheet Invoices UDT07  
Leave Type UDT08  
Costpoint Company UDT09  
Currency Schedules UDT10  
Per Diem Schedules    
Tax Codes    
Receipt Images    

If you select a different import transaction table from the drop-down list, the Log table is refreshed with the selected table information.

Log Table

When the tab is first displayed, all import transactions in error display, sorted by import table name, then date and time order.

If an unrecognized element name is found while importing XML files, the following error message displays: "Unrecognized element name encountered while parsing XML. The unrecognized element name is listed in the Field column."

The number of errors displayed is determined by the number supplied in the Max Table Rows field in the General Options tab of the General Configuration screen. If there are more errors to be displayed, a More button displays on the bottom of the screen.

Field Description

This non-editable column displays the name of the import file.


This non-editable column displays the date and time of the transaction in error.


This non-editable column displays the type of transaction in error. Valid types are Add, Change, Delete, and Batch.


This non-editable column displays the key value(s) of the transaction in error.  For example, if an error displays for an employee import transaction, the key value is the value of the employee ID in error.


This non-editable column displays the field that is in error on the import transaction.  For example, if you try to perform an employee import with an Add transaction and the Last Name is not provided, this column displays "Last Name."


This non-editable column displays the actual error for the import transaction. Some of the possible errors are as follows.

  • Import file layout is invalid.
  • Import transaction type is invalid.
  • Add Transaction cannot be processed as a Change Transaction because of a configuration setting.
  • Change Transaction cannot be processed as an Add Transaction because of a configuration setting.
  • Record does not exist for this Delete Transaction.
  • Charge Tree does not exist.
  • Parent Charge Branch does not exist.
  • Charge Branch does not exist.
  • Employee Group does not exist.
  • Employee does not exist.
  • Charge does not exist.
    Note: See the section at the end of each ASCII layout in the Import ASCII Layouts chapter of the Deltek Time & Expense with ESS Technical Guide for information on required fields. An error occurs for required fields that are not supplied. See the section at the end of each Staging Table layout in the Import Staging Table Layouts chapter of the Deltek Time & Expense with ESS Technical Guide for information on required fields.  An error occurs for required fields that are not supplied.
Select All

Click Select All to select all displayed import transactions. Once selected, the button becomes Deselect All. To select a particular row, select the button to the left of the row to highlight it.


Select the Preview/Print button to preview the Import Error Log report in Adobe Acrobat format. The log includes all current errors found in the Java Message Service (JMS) queue. Select the printer icon in the .pdf file to print the report.  


Select the More button to display the next set of errors. If you have selected errors before selecting the More button, the system displays the following message: "Current selection of records will be lost. Do you want to continue?"

If you select Yes, the next set of errors will display and the current selection will be cleared. If you select No, the current selection of errors will remain.

Error Count

This non-editable field displays the current number of errors.

Edit Transaction

Select an error transaction by clicking on the button to the left of the row, Then select the Edit Transaction function to correct errors in the import record and re-submit the import record for processing.

Import Header

Field Description
Import Unit

This non-editable field displays the selected import name from the Log tab.

Import Type

This non-editable field displays the type of import file that was used for the selected row in the Log tab. For example, if the row originated from an ASCII file, "ASCII" displays.

Error Message

This non-editable field displays the selected error message from the Log tab. The first 100 characters of the message are displayed. Hover your mouse over the message to display additional characters if they exist.

Source Location

This non-editable field displays the location of the import file if you selected the ASCII or XML check box in the Criteria tab. The first 100 characters of the location are displayed. Hover your mouse over the location to display additional characters if they exist.

Transaction Type

This drop-down list displays, as the default, the transaction type of the selected record from the Log tab. The available options are "Batch," "Add," "Change," and "Delete."

Select another type from the drop-down list if necessary.  For example, if a "Change" record was in error because the record did not already exist, you could change the type to "Add," supply any required fields that are needed, then select the Update/Retry button to process the record as an Add transaction.

Note: Please review the Import ASCII Layouts chapter of the Deltek Time & Expense with ESS Technical Guide (if importing from ASCII files) or the "Import ASCII Layouts" chapter (if importing from staging tables) for the list of required fields for each file and Transaction Type.

Import Data

The fields that display in the Import Data section depend on the import record being edited. All fields for the particular import record are displayed. A vertical scroll bar is available, if needed.  

Instead of field labels for this section, the actual element name as defined in the XML portion of the import process appears as the text for each field. Please see the "Import XML Schemas"chapter of the Time & Expense with ESS Technical Guide for the element names of all the imported files.

Review the error message received for this record and update the appropriate field so that the record can be submitted for processing.

Field Description

Select the Update/Retry button to close the dialog and to submit the record for processing.  The button is disabled until Import Data is changed.


Select the Cancel button to close the dialog without updating or retrying the import record

Retry Transactions

Select an error transaction or transactions by clicking the button to the left of the row. Then select the Retry Transactions function to resubmit the error transaction(s) for processing. The log table is refreshed.

Delete Transactions

Select an error transaction or transactions by clicking the button to the left of the row.  Then select the Delete Transactions function to delete the row(s). The system displays the following confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this record(s)?"

If you answer Yes, the transactions will be deleted and the log table refreshed.  If you answer No, the transactions will not be deleted.

Purge All Transactions

Select the Purge All Transactions function to delete all the error transactions. The following confirmation displays: "Are you sure you want to delete this record(s)?" 

If you answer Yes, all transactions are deleted and the log table refreshed. If you answer No, the transactions are not deleted.

Show Details

This option is available only for general errors. When selected, this option displays a dialog that contains further log details.