Use the Orgs list to filter the contents of the analytics by owning organization. When you display the analytics initially, they display revenue data for all of the organizations to which you have access.
If you select Reorg on the User Options tab, the Orgs list on the Revenue tab changes to the Reorgs list. Use that list to filter the contents of the analytics by reorganization. For more information on selecting the option to filter by reorganization on the User Options tab, see Organization or Reorganization.
Whether you filter by organization or by reorganization, Costpoint Analytics includes projects in Revenue Analytics based on their owning organization.
If you select one or more organizations or reorganizations and then go to another tab, Costpoint Analytics automatically filters those analytics for the same organizations or reorganizations.
You can view organizations at any level of the organization structure (for example, a list of organizations at the lowest organization level).
To change your view, click
one or more times until the list for the level you want is displayed.
The list for an organization level contains all organizations at that level. The same list options are available for reorganizations if you choose to filter by reorganization.
one or more times to display the level of the organization or reorganization.
Click the organization or reorganization.
one or more times to display the level of the organization or reorganization.
If the organizations or reorganizations are listed together, click the first organization or reorganization, hold down the left mouse button, and drag the mouse pointer over the other organizations or reorganizations. If they are not listed together, press the CTRL key as you click each of the organizations or reorganizations.