Set Up and Maintain Project Manager Security

Firms commonly use one or both of the following approaches to provide access based on project manager:

  • Give project managers access to their own projects

  • Give program managers access to the projects of a group of project managers

To give a project manager access to his or her own projects, you link that person’s network user ID to his or her employee ID from Costpoint. The project manager’s employee ID, in turn, provides the link to that person’s projects. In Costpoint Analytics, that user can then only view and analyze data for his or her projects.

For a program manager who is responsible for a group of project managers, you can link that person’s network user ID to the employee IDs for each of their project managers. That gives that person access to data for all of the projects for which his or her project managers are responsible.

Costpoint Analytics SaaS: If you have a Costpoint Analytics SaaS Subscription, the option to base security on project manager and program manager assignments is not available.

In this topic


Set Up Security Based on Project Manager

Verify Project Manager Security

Update Project Manager Security


Before you begin the security setup process, determine who will be subject to project manager security in Costpoint Analytics and what access each of them needs.

Set Up Security Based on Project Manager

To set up security for the project analytics based on project manager, complete the following steps:

  1. Run the QlikView Management Console (Start » All Programs » Deltek Analytics » QlikView Management Console).

  2. On the System tab, click the Supporting Tasks subtab.

  3. Expand QDS@<server name> and External programs.

  4. Click Create PM files.

  5. On the General tab, select Enabled, and click Apply.

  6. Click the Documents tab and the Source Documents subtab.

  7. Expand QDS@<server name>, the c:\Deltek\CostpointAnalytics folder (or your installation location, if different from the default), the Final folder, and Costpoint_Analytics_Projects_PM.qvw.

  8. Click PM Security based on SSO UserID.

  9. Click the Distribute tab and the Loop Field in Document subtab.

  10. Click Open Document. After processing ends, click Apply.

  11. Go to the <installation location>\Analytics\Setup folder on the server on which you installed Costpoint Analytics.

  12. Run CpA_Import_Security_From_Costpoint.qvw.

  13. Click Load Only New User Groups and Users from Costpoint, and click OK in the confirmation message box.

When the process is complete, Costpoint Analytics displays a message to let you know that it is finished.

Do not try to edit the security information on the Imported Security Worksheets tab. You can add, change, and delete information in Microsoft Excel later in this procedure.

  1.  Click Export Worksheet Data to Excel File.

  2. When you receive a message indicating that the security data has been exported, click OK.

  3. Open the PMSecurity Extraction.xls file in Excel. This file is in the <installation location>\Analytics\Setup folder.

  4. Open the CostpointAnalyticsPMSecuritySetup.xlsx file in Excel. This file is in the <installation location>\Setup folder.

  5. Copy the contents of the PMSecurity Extraction.xls file into the SpecificPMAccess worksheet in the CostpointAnalyticsPMSecuritySetup.xlsx file.

  6. Close the PMSecurity Extraction.xls file.

  7. In the SpecificPMAccess worksheet, delete the rows for all project managers except those you want to have access to Costpoint Analytics.

  8. Copy the network user IDs from the PMSecuritySSOUSERID column in the SpecificPMAccess worksheet to the corresponding column in the PMTabAccess worksheet.

  9. In the CostpointAnalyticsPMSecuritySetup.xlsx file, finish entering the project manager security information, and save your changes.

For more information on editing the access settings in the Excel file, see Specify Security Settings in the CostpointAnalyticsPMSecuritySetup.xlsx File.

  1. When you are ready to enable project manager security, run the QlikView Management Console.

  2. On the System tab, select Supporting Tasks, expand External programs, and select the Create PM files task.  On the General tab, select the Enabled check box to enable that task.

  3. On the Documents tab, select Source Documents.

  4. Expand c:\Program Files\Deltek\CostpointAnalytics (or your installation location, if different from the default), expand Final, expand Costpoint_Analytics_Projects_PM.qvw, and select the PM Security based on SSO UserID task.  On the General tab, select the Enabled check box to enable that task.

At this point, you can complete the implementation of project manager security by loading the security data into Costpoint Analytics data models. You can wait for your next scheduled load process, or you can implement it immediately.

To load security data into Costpoint Analytics models, complete the following steps:

  1. Run the QlikView Management Console (Start » All Programs » Deltek Analytics » QlikView Management Console).

  2. Click the Status tab and the Tasks subtab.

  3. Expand the Publisher tasks until Reload of Translate\Data_Model_Projects.qvw is visible.

  4. Run that task.

Verify Project Manager Security

To verify that the project manager security is set up correctly, complete the following steps:

  1. In Windows Explorer, go to C:\ProgramData\Deltek\Analytics\PM.

  2. Right-click the first .qvw file, click Properties, and click the Security tab.

  3. Verify that only the appropriate project manager ID and DeltekAnalytics have access to the file.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each .qvw file.

Update Project Manager Security

After the initial implementation of project manager security, you may need to update it to add or remove project managers, or change security settings for existing users.

To update project manager security, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the CostpointAnalyticsPMSecuritySetup.xlsx file in Excel. This file is in the <installation location>\Analytics\Setup folder.

  2. Make the necessary changes to the security settings, and save the file.

For more information on editing the access settings in the Excel file, see Specify Security Settings in the CostpointAnalyticsPMSecuritySetup.xlsx File.

If you need to add security settings for many new project managers, you may want to load them from Costpoint, export them to the PMSecurity Extraction.xls file, and copy them from there into the CostpointAnalyticsPMSecuritySetup.xlsx file as you did when you implemented project manager security initially.

At this point, you can complete the update of project manager security by loading the security data into Costpoint Analytics data models. You can wait for your next scheduled load process, or you can implement it immediately.

  1. Run the QlikView Management Console (Start » All Programs » Deltek Analytics » QlikView Management Console).

  2. Click the Status tab and the Tasks subtab.

  3. Expand the Publisher tasks until Reload of Translate\Data_Model_Projects.qvw is visible.

  4. Run that task.