Bid and Win Rate Analytics: Data Sources

The data displayed in the Bid and Win Rate Analytics either comes from the Opportunity table in GovWin Capture Management or is calculated from data in that table.

Capture Analytics configuration settings also affect the data that is available.

Bid Rates

Data Item


Bid rate based on count (monthly, quarterly, or yearly)

Number of bid opportunities ÷ (Number of bid opportunities + Number of no-bid opportunities)

Bid count

No-bid count

Bid count — Number of opportunities for which your firm submitted a bid

No-bid count — Number of opportunities for which your firm decided not to submit a bid

The bid and no-bid opportunities are determined based on guidelines established for your firm in Capture Analytics Configuration.

Bid rate based on pipeline amounts (monthly, quarterly, or yearly)

Pipeline amount for bid opportunities ÷ (Pipeline amount for bid opportunities + Pipeline amount for no-bid opportunities)


Pipeline amount

Pipeline amount — Sum of the unweighted pipeline amounts for the bid and no-bid opportunities.

The source for pipeline amounts is the Opportunity table in GovWin Capture Management. The specific GovWin Capture Management field is the field assigned to Pipeline 1 Amount or Pipeline 2 Amount in Capture Analytics Configuration.

The bid and no-bid opportunities are determined based on guidelines established for your firm in Capture Analytics Configuration.

Win Rates

Data Item


Win rate based on count (monthly, quarterly, or yearly)

Number of won opportunities ÷ (Number of won opportunities + Number of lost opportunities)

Win count

Loss count

Win count — Number of opportunities for which your firm won a contract.

Loss count — Number of opportunities for which your firm competed but did not win a contract

The won and lost opportunities are determined based on guidelines established for your firm in Capture Analytics Configuration.

Win rate based on pipeline amounts (monthly, quarterly, or yearly)

Pipeline amount for won opportunities ÷ (Pipeline amount for won opportunities + Pipeline amount for lost opportunities)

Pipeline amount

Pipeline amount — Sum of the unweighted pipeline amounts for the won or lost opportunities.

The source for pipeline amounts is the Opportunity table in GovWin Capture Management. The specific GovWin Capture Management field is the field assigned to Pipeline 1 Amount or Pipeline 2 Amount in Capture Analytics Configuration.

The won and lost opportunities are determined based on guidelines established for your firm in Capture Analytics Configuration.