Current Pipeline Amount Chart

The Current Pipeline Amount chart compares the pipeline amounts for each stage, pipeline amount range, or probability range, in descending order by amount.

Each bar represents the total pipeline amount for opportunities assigned to that stage or the total amount for opportunities with individual pipeline amounts or with probabilities within that range.

In this topic

Display the Chart

Chart Format

Chart Data

Pipeline Amounts

Change the Analysis Option

Maximize the Chart

Focus the Chart

Send the Chart Data to Excel

Other Chart Actions

Display the Chart

If the Current Pipeline Amount chart is not visible, click the Amount and Count tab.

Chart Format

Chart Item


Vertical axis: stages or ranges

The vertical axis displays the stages, pipeline amount ranges, or probability ranges.

Horizontal axis: pipeline amounts

The horizontal axis displays the pipeline amount scale.

Bars: pipeline amounts by stage

Each bar represents the current total pipeline amount for opportunities that are assigned to that stage and that have an analysis date within the analysis period.

The bars are displayed in descending order by amount.

Bars: pipeline amounts by probability range

Each bar represents the current total pipeline amount for opportunities that have a probability within that probability range and an analysis date within the analysis period.

The bars are displayed in descending order by amount.

Bars: pipeline amounts by pipeline range

Each bar represents the current total pipeline amount for opportunities that have a pipeline amount within that amount range and an analysis date within the analysis period.

The bars are displayed in descending order by amount.

If the chart includes some bars for very large pipeline amounts and others for relatively small pipeline amounts, the smaller bars may be too small to see clearly. If that occurs, either maximize the chart, or use filters to focus the analysis so Capture Analytics can redisplay the chart with a more appropriate scale.

Chart Data

Data Item


Stage pipeline amounts

The sum of unweighted or weighted pipeline amounts for opportunities that are currently assigned to that stage and that have an analysis date in the analysis period.

Probability range amounts

The sum of unweighted or weighted pipeline amounts for opportunities that have a win probability within the probability range and that have an analysis date in the analysis period.

Pipeline amount range amounts

The sum of unweighted or weighted pipeline amounts for opportunities that have a pipeline amount within the pipeline amount range and that have an analysis date in the analysis period.

For descriptions of the sources of the chart data, see Data Sources.

Pipeline Amounts

When your firm implements Capture Analytics, it can select two amount fields from opportunity records in GovWin Capture Management to analyze as pipeline. The options under Pipeline Amount enable you to apply the analytics to either of those two amounts. When you select one of the options, Capture Analytics displays pipeline amounts calculated from amounts in that field in the opportunity records.

The Unweighted and Weighted options under Pipeline Probability Weighting provide the additional option to display either unweighted pipeline amounts or weighted pipeline amounts (pipeline amounts with the probabilities applied).

Capture Analytics calculates the weighted pipeline amount for each opportunity as follows: Unweighted pipeline amount × (Probability ÷ 100).

Change the Analysis Option

By default, the Current Pipeline Amount chart breaks down pipeline by stage, but you also have the option to analyze it by either set of pipeline amount ranges or by probability range.

To change the analyzed attribute, do either of the following in the first column of the Current Pipeline Amount and Count table:

When you change the option, that change applies to the Current Pipeline Amount and Count table, Current Pipeline Amount chart, and Current Pipeline Count chart.

Maximize the Chart

Click at the top right of the chart to display the chart at its maximum size. Click to restore the chart to its original size and location on the tab.

Focus the Chart

To focus the chart on one or a few stages or ranges, do either of the following:

To focus the chart on a more restricted analysis period, specify the analysis period using the analysis period bars at the top of the tab. Illustration

It is much easier to make selections on the chart itself if you first maximize the chart.

If you use any of the above actions to change the chart, Capture Analytics applies the same changes, as appropriate, to all other analytic objects.

Send the Chart Data to Excel

Click to send the data underlying the chart to Microsoft Excel. More...

Other Chart Actions

In addition to the actions described above, you can also do the following:

For more on these actions, see Print, Email, or Export Analytic Data and Attach Notes to Analytics.