Our trained support staff are available for ongoing phone support. If you require on-site or remote support, we are happy to schedule our next available general or technical consultant.

When to Call

We encourage you to call whenever you encounter a problem or a question that the product documentation cannot resolve. For maximum efficiency, we recommend appointing one person in your company, or in each department, to be your firm's local expert. All questions should be first addressed to your local expert. If your expert cannot resolve the problem, then he or she should contact us.

Select regular, extended, or emergency support, based on when you need to call.

Support Hours

The telephone number for Costpoint Customer Care is 877-457-7765 (877-HLP-PROJ).

Support lines are open during the following hours:

Holidays on which Deltek Customer Support offices are closed are as follows:

Returning your call: Information on Deltek's call tracking system

In handling support calls, Deltek strives to minimize your waiting time. Instead of requiring you to wait on the line until support personnel become available, Deltek's team of Support Receptionists log you in to our call-tracking system. You do not need to explain your problem to the Support Receptionists (they do not have the skills necessary to resolve your issue). You can call at 877.457.7765 (877.HLP.PROJ). The Support Receptionist will ask you for the following information:

When you call, we log you in to our online call-tracking system, where your call is immediately visible to our support staff. We prioritize calls in the order received and track our response times. With the exception of calls flagged as Urgent, which we move to the top of the queue, we strive to contact all callers in one hour or less.

In some cases, you may already be working with someone on an issue and can only follow up with that person. Please ask for that person by name. You should be aware, however, that since your consultant may not be immediately available, your call might not be returned as quickly.

Once you place your call to Deltek, inform your receptionist that you are expecting a call from us. If you are not available when we call back, we will leave a message or voice mail to inform you that we returned your call. Your call remains in the call-tracking queue but moves to the end, as though you had just placed the call. Our return call process begins again, and our call tracking system records each attempt we make to reach you.

Who to Call

We offer three types of customer support. Please specify the type you need when you leave your message. The support types are:

Deltek Web Site

Via the Deltek Customer Care Connect Web site, you can do the following:

You can also submit comments, error reports, and non-urgent support questions. Because Internet communication and response times can vary, you should not use the Customer Care Connect Web site for urgent support questions; please call our telephone support number instead.

To access the client support programs and information on our Web site, you must first register to receive the login and password for this area. You can register through Online Client Registration on our main Web page. You need to submit the following information for your company: