Use this subtask to view current inventory information by warehouse for the part selected on the main screen grid. If you enter a warehouse ID in the main screen, the inventory information displays for the particular warehouse; otherwise, the information is for all warehouses. This screen displays inventory for the projects selected on the main screen, or all projects, depending on your selections on the header.


This field displays the ID for the part on the selected action message on the main screen.


This field displays the part revision number.


This field displays the part description.


This field displays the part's default or inventory unit of measure.

Selection Criteria


This field displays the value specified for the Project Option on the main screen and may determine the rows that display in the table window below.


This field displays the ID of the selected project from the main screen header and may determine the rows that are shown in the table window. The project name displays in the adjacent unlabeled field.

Proj Abbrev

This field displays the project abbreviation.

Netting Group

This field displays the netting group selected on the main screen.


This field displays the identifier of the warehouse for the inventory entered on the header of the main screen.

View All Warehouses

Select this check box to view the part's inventory across all warehouses. This option is disabled if no value was entered in the Warehouse field on the header of the main screen.

View All Projects

Select this option to view the part's inventory across all inventory projects.

Requery Inventory

If you change the values in the View All Warehouses or View All Projects check boxes, click this button to reload the table window.


On Hand

This field displays the sum of all on-hand quantities in the table window for the selected warehouses and inventory projects.

In Inspection

This field displays the sum of all in-inspection and reinspection quantities in the table window for the selected warehouses and inventory projects.

In Shipping

This field displays the sum of all in-shipping quantities in the table window for the selected warehouses and inventory projects.

Warehouse Inventory Detail

This table window displays the details of the inventory for the part according to the viewing criteria selected. Sorting is by project ID, inventory abbreviation code, and warehouse.


This field displays the ID of the warehouse where the inventory is kept.

Inv Abbrev

This field displays the inventory abbreviation code that owns the inventory.

Inventory Abbreviation Name

This field displays the name of the row's inventory abbreviation.

Account Type

This field displays the account type of the owning inventory abbreviation as set up on the Inventory Abbreviations subtask of the Manage Inventory Projects screen in the Inventory module:

On Hand Quantity

This field displays the sum of all quantities of the part/warehouse/inventory abbreviation combination that are in on-hand locations.

In Inspection Quantity

This field displays the sum of all quantities of the part/warehouse/inventory abbreviation combination that are in inspection and reinspection locations.

In Shipping Quantity

This field displays the sum of all quantities of the part/warehouse/inventory abbreviation combination that are in shipping locations.

In MRB Quantity

This field displays the sum of all quantities of the part/warehouse/inventory abbreviation combination that are in Materials Review Board locations. These quantities are considered available for MRP/MPS planning if the Incl MRB as Available Inventory check box is selected on the Configure Production Control Settings screen.

On Hold Quantity

This field displays the sum of all the quantities of the part/warehouse/inventory abbreviation combination that are in hold locations. These quantities are not considered available for MRP and MPS planning purposes.


This field displays the ID of the project associated with the inventory abbreviation.

Project Name

This field displays the name of the inventory project associated with the inventory abbreviation.

Proj Abbrev

This field displays the abbreviation of the project associated with the inventory abbreviation.

Inv Abbrev Active

This field specifies whether the inventory abbreviation is active or not. If set to Y (Yes), you can receive inventory into and issue out of the inventory abbreviation. If set to O (Outgoing Only), you can issue inventory out of the abbreviation, but cannot receive more inventory into the abbreviation. If set to N, no inventory can received into or issued out of the inventory abbreviation.