Use this subtask to view information on vendor returns against the purchase order line.
This field displays the identification code of the currently selected requisition.
This field displays the approval status of the currently selected requisition.
This field displays the trans currency code assigned to the currently selected requisition.
This field displays the currently selected requisition line number.
This field displays the status of the currently selected requisition line.
This field displays the type of the currently selected requisition line.
This field displays the currently selected purchase order.
This field displays the release number of the PO.
This field displays the currently selected purchase order line.
This field displays the transaction currency code assigned to the PO Line.
This field displays the warehouse ID.
This field displays the vendor return ID.
This field displays the vendor return date.
This field displays the quantity being returned.
This field displays the reject status.
This field displays the rejection reason code.
This field displays the rejection disposition code.
This field displays the return material authorization number.
This field displays the new purchase order number that was generated.
This field displays the new purchase order release number that was generated.
This field displays the new purchase order line number that was generated.
This field displays the user ID of the person entering the vendor return.
This field displays the date and time the vendor return was entered.