Use this screen to manage the users in the security group.

Security Group

This field displays the selected security group.

Table Window


Enter, or click to select, the user ID that is associated with this security group

Employee ID

This field displays the employee ID that is associated with the User ID.

Employee Name

This field displays the name of the employee.

Employee Status

This field displays the status of the employee.

Part Data Security Status

Select whether this user is Active or Inactive.

Activation Date

This field displays the date when the user's Part Data Security Status was initially made Active for this security group, or subsequently changed from Inactive to Active.

Deactivation Date

This field displays the date when the user's Part Data Security Status was made Inactive for this security group.

Contact Phone No

This field displays the contact number of the employee.

Contact Email

This field displays the email address of the employee.

U.S. Person Status

This field displays the immigration status of the employee.

USCIS Number

This field displays the permanent resident card number of the employee.


This field displays the permanent resident category or visa category of the employee.

Resident Date

This field displays the effectivity date of the employee's permanent resident status.

Expiration Date

This field displays the expiration date of the employee's permanent resident card.

ITAR Authorization

This field indicates whether or not the employee is authorized for part data security in general.

Denied Party

This field indicates whether or not the employee is in the Denied Persons List issued by the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security.

Start Date

This field displays the date when the ITAR authorization became effective.

End Date

This field displays the date when the ITAR authorization expires.




Citizen Status

Click this link to open the Citizen Status subtask for the user.