Use this tab to indicate whether the manufacturing order will be sent to Manufacturing Execution or Shop Floor Time.

MO Originated in Manufacturing Execution

This check box indicates whether or not the manufacturing order was created from Manufacturing Execution (MES).

The check box is selected and disabled if the Manufacturing Order (MO) was created in MES for Discrepancy Work and MRO types of MO. The check box is cleared (and disabled) if the MO is created in Costpoint for standard, customer repair, and rework orders.

Export MO to Manufacturing Execution

Select this check box to export this manufacturing order to Manufacturing Execution.

By default, this check box is selected if the build-to-project associated with the MO is selected for export to MES. Otherwise, the check box is cleared and disabled.

Export MO to Shop Floor Time

Select this check box to export this manufacturing order to Shop Floor Time.

The MO can either be exported to MES or Shop Floor Time, or both. If you clear the Export MO to Shop Floor Time check box, it does not automatically export the MO to MES. You have to make sure that the Export MO to Manufacturing Execution check box is selected so that you can export the MO to MES. You can only export the MO to both MES and Shop Floor time if the Send Manufacturing Orders to Shop Floor Time and Manufacturing Execution check box is selected on the Manage Plants screen for the associated plant of the MO.