Use this screen to print standard invoices to pre-printed forms or blank paper, and to a laser or line printer. Identify invoices as either standard type or DD250 form type on the Print Info tab of the Manage Invoices screen and Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen.

The information appearing on the invoice includes sales order number, invoice number, customer purchase order number, contract number, sales representative, date shipped, bill to, ship to, invoice quantity, unit price, tax amount, miscellaneous charges, and notes.  The invoice also provides more detail for each item.

The supply date prints in the header section of the invoice, on the upper right side, below the due date. Also, the format of the supply date should correspond to that of the transaction currency country. This is the estimated date on which the customer was supplied the items on the sales order.

Print invoices any time after auto-creation by Costpoint through the Create Invoices screen, or after entry on either the Manage Invoices screen or the Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen.

Be sure to check the settings on the Configure Sales Order Print Options screen for printing parameters and format options so that invoices can be printed correctly from this screen.



Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options are also included in the saved parameter ID if there are any. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made in the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made in the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display in the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Print Invoices

Use the fields in this group box to define the category and range criteria for printing the invoice. From the unlabeled drop-down list on the upper right, select the category by which to print invoices. Valid options are:


From the drop-down list, select the range option for printing invoices based on the category that you selected. Valid options are:


Enter, or click to select, a single value/ID or the beginning value/ID for the range. You can use this field if you select, One, Range, or To End from the Options drop-down list.


Enter, or click to select, the ending value/ID for the range. You can use this field if you select Range or From Beginning from the Options drop-down list.

Non-Contiguous Ranges

Select this check box to use the corresponding subtasks on this screen for listing multiple non-contiguous ranges.

Trans Currency

If you use Multicurrency, use the corresponding Option, Start, and End fields to define a transaction currency range criteria for printing invoices. Only invoices that have matching transaction currency will be printed. If you do not use these fields, the invoices print using sales order transaction currency.

If the specified range contains several different transaction currencies, each invoice prints the corresponding transaction currency; amounts print in the associated format. The currency code displays in the header section just above the column titles of the document. If you do not use Multicurrency, all amounts print in the functional currency.


From the drop-down list, select the range option for printing invoices based on the transaction currency. Valid options are:


Enter, or click to select, a single value/ID or the beginning value/ID for the range. You can use this field if you select, One, Range, or To End from the Option drop-down list.


Enter, or click to select, the ending value/ID for the range. You can use this field if you select Range or From Beginning from the Options drop-down list.


Use the fields in this group box to define the print settings and format of the invoice.


From the drop-down list, select one of the four available print format options. This field defaults from the settings on Configure Sales Order Print Options screen. Valid options are:

If you select a formless printing option, you can print company logos. The logo prints in the upper left corner of the invoice. The company logo must be a bitmap file with a size that does not exceed 32,000 bytes. The bitmap file must be called OEFORM.BMP and must be in the Costpoint program directory or the user's network search path.

In order to ensure proper alignment of print objects, set the print quality of your printer to 300 x 300 dots per inch.

Show Functional Currency Amts

Use this group box to select options for printing subtotals in functional currency in addition to the transaction currency. If the invoice uses the same functional currency and transaction currency, only the transaction currency amount displays, regardless of the option you select.

If you select either the Sales Tax/VAT Subtotal Only or All Subtotals option, the exchange rate that applies to the invoice prints on the left side (on the same line where the functional currency code is printed). For example, if the transaction currency is GBP and the functional currency is USD, and the Trans to Func currency exchange rate is 1.6186468, the following text is printed: Exchange Rate: GBP to USD = 1.6186468.

Print Options

Include Previously Printed Invoices

Select this check box to include previously printed invoices in this print run. Costpoint determines whether an invoice has been previously printed by looking at the Invoice Printed check box on the Print Info tab of the Manage Invoices screen. "DUPLICATE" displays on the invoice if the invoice has been printed before. If you select the Duplicate check box for the invoice in the Highlight group box on the Configure Sales Order Print Options screen, "DUPLICATE" displays as emphasized text.

Print Serial Numbers

Select this check box to override the default print option selected on the Print Serial Numbers group box on the Configure Sales Order Print Options screen. If you select this check box, Costpoint prints serial lot information directly below the printed invoice line (below all notes and text) for each issue line with one or more serial/lot rows. The format includes a line with the assigned Serial Numbers followed by one or more lines with the serial numbers from the serial/lot rows for that line. For each invoice line, all rows print for issues included in that invoice.

Print Invoice Header Notes

Select this check box to print the header notes entered for the invoice on the Manage Invoices screen or the Manage Invoices Supervisor Screen. Select this check box to enable the options in the Header Notes Placement group box. This check box defaults with the status of the Header Notes option for the invoice in the Placement Defaults group box on Configure Sales Order Print Options screen. Also, you may specify whether or not you want the header notes printed in a highlighted font by selecting the Header Notes check box for invoice in the Highlight group box on Configure Sales Order Print Options screen.

Print SO Line Components

Select this check box to override the default print option from the Print Components group box on Configure Sales Order Print Options screen. When you select this check box, Costpoint prints any sales order line components underneath the sales order item, description, and long description lines. Information for each component (item, revision, U/M, the sum of issue quantities for issue lines linked to that invoice, and description) prints in the normal positions.

If components are not issued at the component level for that line, neither the component line number and price information, nor quantity and unit of measure fields will print, but the component lines will be sorted in component line number sequence under the sales order line. If SO line on Manage Sales Orders screen has a value in the Number of Users field, (for example, for software sales and royalties), this information also prints with the item. In addition, if the issues for the sales order line occurred at the component level, you can print the component serial numbers below the component by selecting the Print Serial Numbers check box.

Std Text Placement

Use the options in this group box to select criteria for the placement of any standard text associated with the invoice. This option setting defaults from the option selected for the invoice in the Standard Text group box on the Configure Sales Order Print Options screen. Choose from the following options:


Select this option to print all standard text on the top of the form, before any of the line item information.


Select this option to print all standard text on the bottom of the form, after any line item information.

Hdr Notes Placement

Use the options in this group box to select criteria for the placement of any header notes associated with the invoice. Whether or not the header notes appear on the acknowledgment depends on the option selected in the Header Notes group box on Configure Sales Order Print Options screen. The following options are available only if you have select the Print Invoice Header Notes check box:


Select this option to print all header notes on the top of the form, before any of the line item information.


Select this option to print all header notes on the bottom of the form, after any line item information.




Catalog Non-Contiguous Ranges

Click this link to access the Catalog Non-Contiguous Ranges subtask.

Customer Non-Contiguous Ranges

Click this link to access the Customer Non-Contiguous Ranges subtask.

Invoice Non-Contiguous Ranges

Click this link to access the Invoice Non-Contiguous Ranges subtask.

Project Non-Contiguous Ranges

Click this link to access the Project Non-Contiguous Ranges subtask.

Sales Order Non-Contiguous Ranges

Click this link to access the Sales Order Non-Contiguous Ranges subtask.