Use this subtask to view the account types and other information established for the sales group abbreviation on the sales order line. This subtask also displays the options selected for the sales group abbreviation. The options determine the project and organization to be used during sales order entry posting. You can define sales group abbreviations on the Manage Sales Group Abbreviations screen.
This table window displays the account types and values assigned to the sales group abbreviation on the Manage Sales Group Abbreviations screen.
This field displays one of the following account types:
Accounts Receivable Account
Cost of Sales Account
Deferred Revenue Account
Clearing Account
Liquidation Account
Sales Account
Unbilled A/R Account
Warranty Accrual Account
Warranty Expense Account
This field displays the project assigned to the account type.
The Use Project Revenue Setup Rules check box determines the project that displays.
If the Use Project Revenue Setup Rules check box is selected, the Project column displays as follows:
For Sales Account and Deferred Revenue Account transaction types, the Project column displays the project to charge as determined by the project revenue setup rules.
For the Unbilled A/R Account transaction types, the Project column displays the project to charge as determined by the project revenue setup rules and project billing info.
If the Use Project Revenue Setup Rules check box is cleared, the Project column displays the project ID associated with the sales group abbreviation.
This field displays the name associated with the project.
This field displays the account assigned to the account type. The account must be valid for the organization (if one is entered), depending on the Project Required value. It must not be a summary account or a project account.
This field displays the name associated with the account.
This field displays the organization assigned to the account type.
If the Sales Group Abbreviation entered has the Use Project Owning Org check box selected in the Accounts Receivable Account and Liquidation Account rows, the Organization column displays accordingly.
For Accounts Receivable Account transaction types, the default Organization that loads is equal to the project’s owning organization where the project matches the project ID associated with the sales group abbreviation. If you manually modify the accounts receivable project, the default A/R Organization is equal to the owning organization of the new project.
For Liquidation Account transaction types, the default Organization to load is equal to the project’s owning organization where the project matches the project ID associated with the sales group abbreviation. If you manually modify the liquidation project, the default Liquidation Organization is equal to the owning organization of the new project.
This field displays the name associated with the organization.
This field displays the first reference number assigned to the sales order.
This field displays the second reference number assigned to the sales order.
This field displays the project abbreviation for the line item to be charged.
This field displays the organization abbreviation.
This field displays the value of the setting on the Manage Sales Group Abbreviations screen. This check box allows the project substitutable sales group abbreviations to use the charge from the Manage Revenue Information and Manage Project Billing Information screens when setting up a sales order line. This allows costs to be posted to the correct level within the work breakdown structure, while allowing project revenue, deferred revenue, and unbilled accounts receivable to post at a higher or lower level within the project.
This check box is selected for the Sales Account, Deferred Revenue Account, and Unbilled A/R Account transaction types if the Project Required field is set to Substitution Allowed only.
For Sales Account and Deferred Revenue Account transaction types, the project revenue setup rules determine the project to charge.
For the Unbilled A/R Account transaction types, the project revenue setup rules and project billing info determine the project to charge.
This check box is cleared if the project revenue setup rules do not determine the project to charge.
This field displays the value of the setting on the Manage Sales Group Abbreviations screen. This check box allows the owning organization of each project to be used for posting.
This check box is selected if a project's costs are posted to the organization that owns the project; the owning organization of the project displays.
This check box is cleared if a project's costs are posted to the organization specified by the sales group abbreviation or if the Project Required field is set to Non-Contract Related.
This field displays the account ID to which the material cost is charged.
This field displays the organization ID to which the material cost is charged.
This field displays the reference 1 number to which the material cost is charged. If you customize the reference fields on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen, this field displays a different label. For example, REF00001, AC 1.
This field displays the reference 2 number to which the material cost is charged. If you customize the reference fields on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen, this field displays a different label. For example, REF00002, AC 2.
This field displays the account ID to which the direct labor cost is charged.
This field displays the organization ID to which the direct labor cost is charged.
This field displays the reference 1 number to which the direct labor cost is charged.
This field displays the reference 2 number to which the direct labor cost is charged.
This field displays the account ID to which the subcontract cost is charged.
This field displays the organization ID to which the subcontract cost is charged..
This field displays the reference 1 number to which the subcontract cost is charged.
This field displays the reference 2 number to which the subcontract cost is charged.
This field displays the account ID to which the miscellaneous cost 1 is charged.
This field displays the organization ID to which the miscellaneous cost 1 is charged.
This field displays the reference 1 ID to which the miscellaneous cost 1 is charged.
This field displays the reference 2 ID to which the miscellaneous cost 1 is charged.
This field displays the account ID to which the miscellaneous cost 2 is charged.
This field displays the organization ID to which the miscellaneous cost 2 is charged.
This field displays the reference 1 number to which the miscellaneous cost 2 is charged.
This field displays the reference 2 number to which the miscellaneous cost 2 is charged.
This field displays the account for the items that are not tracked.
This field displays the organization ID for items that are not tracked.
This field displays the reference 1 number of the non-inventory item.
This field displays the reference 2 number of the non-inventory item.