This subtask displays all requirements identified by the MRP process for the selected message line's part, inventory abbreviation, and warehouse (if a warehouse ID was entered in the main form header). In addition, for any identified MO requirement (or planned order with a Make order type), this screen identifies all requirements for the assembly part/rev and the MO's build to inventory abbreviation (and warehouse, if applicable).
This function repeats until no requirements are identified. This subtask lists the requirement type, order/reservation number, and the assembly part (for manufacturing requirements). The requirements sort by Need Date, but parent requirements of manufacturing orders are grouped with the original requirement and in level order.
This field displays the part ID shown in the main screen.
This field displays the revision of this part.
This field displays the description for this part.
The unit of measure assigned to this part.
This field displays the inventory abbreviation associated with the action message. The inventory abbreviation name displays in the field to the right.
This field displays M (Make) if this part is manufactured or B (Buy) if this part is purchased.
This field displays the warehouse ID for the action message.
This field displays the project ID for the action message. The project name displays in the adjacent unlabeled field.
This field displays the abbreviation of the project ID.
This table window displays full requirements information for the action message.
This field indicates the relative number of levels up from the main screen's selected row the requirement exists. All requirements calling out the selected main screen's row are assigned a level number of 1. If a manufacturing order (or planned order with a Make order type) requirement's assembly part is required by one or more requirements, these requirements are assigned a level number of 2, and so on.
This field displays Y (Yes) if this row is identified as requirement lines not linked to a manufacturing order (no higher-level requirements are identified).
This field displays the date on which the inventory must be issued to the requirement.
This field displays the type of order or reservation requirement:
Planned Order
Purchase Order
Sales Order
Safety Stock
This field displays the requirement order, requisition, or reservation number.
This field displays the order or reservation line number for the requirement.
This field displays the open required quantity for the Order/Reservation row (in the inventory unit of measure).
If the requirement is for a manufacturing order (or planned order with a Make order type), this field displays the part number of the assembly to be built.
If the requirement is for a manufacturing order (or planned order with a Make order type), this field displays the part revision of the assembly to be built.
If the requirement is for a manufacturing order (or planned order with a Make order type), this field displays the part description of the assembly to be built.
This field displays the planner ID responsible for the requirement row's order or reservation.