This subtask displays the proposal BOM assemblies within the range specified in the Selection Ranges group box that use the From part (in the From Components group box) as a component for a PBOM line row, regardless of the proposal status. Use this subtask to verify that the From part will be replaced or deleted as expected within the range you selected.

The information found in the table window comes from the Manage Proposal Bills of Material.

Table Window


Proposal Rev

These fields display the ID and revision (if applicable) of the proposal in which the From part is listed as a component.

Proposal Name

This field displays the proposal name associated with the proposal ID.

Proposal Status

This field displays the proposal status for this proposal ID. This subtask displays PBOMs from proposals with any status, whether you selected those statuses in the Select Proposal Status group box on the main screen or not.


This field displays the component line number on which the From part is listed within the PBOM assembly.

Find No

This field displays the find number on which the From part is listed within the PBOM assembly.

Assembly Part, Assy Rev

These fields display the assembly part and revision (if applicable) ID for which the From part is listed within the PBOM assembly.

Assembly Description

This field displays the description of the assembly part.

Comp Type

This field displays the component type code for the From part within the PBOM assembly. Valid codes are:

Qty Type

This field displays the quantity type code for the From part within the PBOM assembly. Quantity type codes specify how component requirements are calculated:


This field displays the component part quantity for the From part within the PBOM assembly.


This field displays the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) code for the From part within the PBOM assembly.

PBOM Line Notes

This field displays notes about this PBOM line from the Manage Proposal Bills of Material screen.