Use the fields in this screen to set up report locales, which specify how report data should be formatted regarding language, numbers, and date/time preferences.
Report locale ID data used throughout Costpoint will be validated against your entries in this screen.
Costpoint web provides a default report locale ID ("en_US") for this screen (in the W_LOCALE table) and display this default in the System Settings screen (Administration/Configure/System), although this field is not required. This locale will be used as a company default unless you have specified a different locale in System Settings or you have overwritten the default on an individual user preference basis in the Administration/Maintain/Users screen (in the Printing Defaults tab). For convenience, you should set up the system defaults first and then make changes on an individual user basis as desired and where applicable.
Set up this screen during initialization, before you enter data in the Administration/Configure/System/System Settings and Maintain/Administration/Maintain/Users screens.
You can assign a default locale ID for the system in the Administration/Configure/System/System Settings screen, and you can overwrite the system default locale ID with a default specific for the user in the Administration/Maintain/Users screen (in the Printing Defaults tab).
How can I change or delete report locale data in this screen?
You can change the data in the Name, Language, Decimal Separator, 1000s Separator, Date Separators, Date Order, Time Separator, AM Description, and PM Description fields in the Report Locales table window at any time.
You cannot actually change the data in the Report Locale ID field in the Report Locales table window, as you must procedurally first delete the row with the unwanted ID and then add a new row with the desired ID.
If a report locale ID from this screen is currently in use (i.e., it has been used in other setup and data entry screens), it is considered "dependent" data and you cannot delete that ID from this screen.
In order to delete it, you must first assign a different report locale ID in each applicable record throughout the system in which that ID is used.
Once the report locale ID is no longer in use, you can delete the row from the table window.
You cannot delete the single pre-loaded report locale ID ("en_US") automatically supplied for Costpoint web.
This field is not individually editable for existing data. [To delete an existing report locale ID, including all related data for that ID, you must delete the row.]
Costpoint web provides a default report locale ID ("en_US") for this screen (in the W_LOCALE table) and display this default in the System Settings screen (Administration/Configure/System), although this field is not required.
To add a new report locale ID, enter up to eight alphanumeric characters to establish a unique identifier. A good naming practice to follow is that used by ISO standards, such as "xx_YY,"in which "xx" is the language and "YY" is the country. [For example, "en_US," "fr_FR," etc.]
Name *
For a new report locale, enter up to 60 alphanumeric characters to provide a name.
For an existing report locale, you can edit the data in this field as desired.
You can click on the Notes icon at the end of this field to add up to 254 characters of additional information relative to the report locale.
Language *
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the language ID.
Lookup accesses the S_LANG_AVAIL table.
The language number associated with the language you selected in the Language field displays in this non-editable field.
Select your choice of decimal separator from the drop-down box. You can choose "Period," "Comma," "Space," or "Single Quote."
The "." (Period) is the system default.
Select your choice of thousands separator for numbers from the drop-down box. You can choose "Period," "Comma," "Space," or "Single Quote."
The "," (Comma) is the system default.
A number example that reflects your selection from the 1000s Separator field automatically displays in this non-editable field.
Select your choice of the symbol to be used as the separator for date components from the drop-down box. You can choose "Slash," "Dash," "Period," "Comma," "Colon," or "Backslash."
The "/" (Slash) is the system default.
Select your choice of the order of the date components from the drop-down box. You can choose "Month/Day/Year," "Day/Month/Year," or "Year/Month/Day."
"Month/Day/Year" is the system default.
A date example that reflects your selections from the Date Separator and Date Order fields automatically displays in this non-editable field.
Select your choice of the hours format from the drop-down box. You can choose "12-Hour" or "24-Hour."
"12-Hour" is the system default.
Select your choice of the symbol to be used as the separator for time components from the drop-down box. You can choose "Slash," "Dash," "Period," "Comma," "Colon," or "Backslash."
The ":" (Colon) is the system default.
For a new report locale, enter up to six alphanumeric characters to provide an AM description.
For an existing report locale, you can edit the data in this field as desired.
For a new report locale, enter up to six alphanumeric characters to provide a PM description.
For an existing report locale, you can edit the data in this field as desired.
A time example that reflects your selections from the Hours Format, Time Separator, AM Description, and PM Description fields automatically displays in this non-editable field.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Changes to this screen update the W_LOCALE table.