Use this screen to view Costpoint licensing information. Total active employee licenses are listed followed by a "By Company" breakdown. Licensed add-on modules are also listed.
This information is derived from entries in the Module Rights and Application Rights subtasks in the Users and User Groups screens (Administration\Maintain\Users).
Use this screen to view enterprise licensing limits, current active users, and licensed add-on modules with their expiration dates.
This field displays the maximum number of employee licenses available.
This field displays the current number of active licenses.
If you have multiple companies, each company ID is listed here.
If you have multiple companies, each company name is listed here.
If you have multiple companies, the employee count for each company is listed here.
This field displays the product code for each installed licensed add-on.
This field displays the product name for each installed licensed add-on.
If your installed add-ons have an termination date, it displays in this field. If there is no termination date, the field is blank.
Information on this screen derives from the EMPL and PROD_LICENSED tables.