Use this screen to review and update segregation of duties conflicts for application and module rights.
You can use this screen only after identifying segregation of duties conflicts by using the Conflicting Applications screen and the Segregation of Duties Conflicts Types screen (Administration\Maintain\Segregation of Duties). Once you have identified duty conflicts, use this screen to review and update conflicting rights.
Use this first Group Box if you want to define what records will display in the Rights with Identified Conflicts Group Box. Leave it blank if you want to display all records.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the name of the user.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the User Group.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the Company.
Include Rights Linked to ALL Companies
Select this checkbox to enable checking all rights linked to all companies.
Note: At least one of the following two checkboxes must be selected. You may select both. |
Select this checkbox to include In-Conflict/Delete Conflict records in the Rights with Identified Conflicts group box.
Select this checkbox to include manually approved records.
Run the Identify Segregation of Duties Conflicts application (Administration\Process\Segregation of Duties) before using this application. This group box displays all applications that have conflicting rights assigned to them.
This field displays either "User" or "Group" to indicate the type of right listed.
This field displays the short name of the user or user group.
This field displays the long name of the user or user group.
This field displays "Web" or "C/S" to indicate the version of Costpoint with the identified conflict.
This field displays the company in which the identified rights conflict is found.
This field displays the application designation.
This field displays the application name.
This field displays the designated module for the displayed domain.
This field displays the domain name for the module and application for which this user or group has a conflict.
This field displays the current rights to this application for the user or group.
Use this drop-down box to define the user's rights for the named application. Your choices are:
Manually Approved
Delete Conflict
Delete Row Now
Note: This field is replaced by the Approve Conflict field when the Enforce Segregation of Duties Rules checkbox is selected in the Corporate Settings group box on the Systems Settings screen (Administration\Configure\System). |
Select this checkbox to approve the conflict. The Approved By and Approved Date/Time fields will auto-populate with the current user's name and the current system date and time. The approver may also enter a note in the Approver Notes field.
Note: This field is replaced by the Rights Status field when the Enforce Segregation of Duties Rules checkbox is NOT selected in the Corporate Settings group box on the Systems Settings screen (Administration\Configure\System). |
This field auto-populates with the name of the current user who selects the Approve Conflict checkbox.
When the Approve Conflict checkbox is selected, this field auto-populates with the current system date and time.
Enter a note (up to 254 characters) describing why the given rights status was overridden.
Use this group box to view the applications that conflict with the application selected in the Rights with Identified Conflicts group box.
This field displays applications in conflict with the application selected in the Rights with Identified Conflicts group box.
This field displays the name of applications in conflict with the application selected in the Rights with Identified Conflicts group box.
This field displays the application's rights for the applications in conflict with the application selected in the Rights with Identified Conflicts group box.
This field displays the application selected in the Rights with Identified Conflicts group box.
This field displays the name of the application selected in the Rights with Identified Conflicts group box.
This field displays the rights for the application selected in the Rights with Identified Conflicts group box.
This field displays the description of the conflict as defined in the Segregation of Duties Conflict Types screen (Administration\Maintain\Segregation of Duties).
This field displays the conflict type as defined in the Segregation of Duties Conflict Types screen (Administration\Maintain\Segregation of Duties).
This field displays the description of the conflict type as defined in the Segregation of Duties Conflict Types screen (Administration\Maintain\Segregation of Duties).
If this checkbox is selected, the application conflict is ongoing.
This field displays "Yes" if the conflict has been manually approved. Otherwise, it displays "No".
If the Manually Approved field is "Yes," this field displays the name of the approver.
If the Manually Approved field is "Yes," this field displays the date and time of the approval.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Changes to this screen update the following tables: