Field Descriptions



PO Line Charges

What can I do in this subtask?

Use this subtask to view line charges.

When should I use this subtask?

You can use this subtask to view line charges, as needed.

Field Descriptions


This field displays the requisition ID.

The requisition ID is a unique alphanumeric combination used to identify the requisition. This alphanumeric combination is used throughout Costpoint to identify or reference the requisition.


This field displays the requisition status.

System-defined status types include:

Trans Currency

This field displays the requisition transaction currency code.

Req Line

This field displays the requisition line number.

Line Status

This field displays the line status.

System-defined status types include:


This field displays the order type.

The system-defined types are "Purchase Orders," "Blanket Orders," and "Release Orders."


This field displays the purchase order number.


This field displays the release number, if the order pertains to the release of a blanket order.

"Purchase Orders," "Blanket Orders," and "Release Orders" represent system-defined order types.

PO Line

This field displays the purchase order line number.

PO Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency code assigned to the purchase order. All monetary amounts in this screen, generally, are in terms of this currency.

Table Window

Line Charge

This field displays the purchase order line charge code. For example, "FR" might represent the line charge code for "FREIGHT."


This field displays line charge description.


This field displays the line charge amount.

Func Curr Amount

This field displays the functional currency amount.

The functional currency represents your company's primary or base currency.


This field displays "Y" (Yes), if the line item is taxable, and "N" (No)  if tax will not be calculated for this line.


Select this pushbutton to close or hide the subtask.

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