Use this subtask to link projects to an approval process.
You can access this subtask whenever you need to make modifications to the projects linked to a specific approval process.
This subtask displays two tables. The table on the left displays the available Project information.
You must click on a specific column and then click on the Select pushbutton to allow display of the record data in the table on the right.
This process allows you to link specific projects to the approval process.
You can link the project by using the Select pushbutton, or you can establish this link by manually entering the project information into the table on the right.
Project *
Enter, or select using Lookup, the project ID to be linked to this approval process code.
Enter, or select using Lookup, the project abbreviation to be linked to this approval process.
The project abbreviation assigned to the project ID you selected will display in this field.
If you change the project abbreviation, the project ID and name will change as well.
This non-editable field displays the project name associated with the project ID you selected.
The non-editable active field displays the status of the project you selected.
"Y" (Yes) indicates that this project is active, while "N" (No) indicates this project is not active.
This non-editable field displays the period of performance start date for the project ID.
This non-editable field displays the period of performance end date for the project ID entered.
Click on this pushbutton to close or hide subtask data.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.