Field Descriptions

Table Information


Display Ship IDs

What can I do in this screen?

Use this screen to view or delete ship IDs.

Ship IDs are codes used to designate "ship-to" addresses. A "ship-to" address, for example, could contain information specific to the street, city, state, and country; in addition, it could include sales tax details.

As you enter records throughout Costpoint, you can enter a code to represent the address, instead of entering the entire address.

You can view the "ship-to" address information in this screen for each address code you created throughout Costpoint, despite domain.

The data in this screen is non-editable. In order to view existing record information, you must select the Query icon and enter your selection criteria. Although you can delete records in this screen, you can do so only if no dependent data exists.

When should I use this screen?

You can use this screen to view and/or delete shipping identification records. The address record information you enter in the Branch Locations, Vendor User Flow (Materials\Maintain\Vendors), Customers (Materials\Maintain\Customers), and Warehouses screens is stored in this application.

Field Descriptions

Ship ID

This non-editable field displays the shipping identification code.

This code represents the "ship-to" address.

Ship ID Description

This non-editable field displays the shipping identification description.

Sales Tax/VAT Code

This non-editable field displays the sales tax/value added tax code specific to the ship ID.

Sales Tax/VAT Code Description

This non-editable field displays the sales tax/value added tax description specific to the ship ID.


This non-editable field displays the source code.

The source code identifies "where" you established the shipping address. This code might be specific to the branch location, customer, vendor, or warehouse.

Source ID

This non-editable field displays the source ID.

This field may display a vendor ID, branch location ID, customer ID, or warehouse ID, contingent upon the data in the Source field.

Ship Name

This non-editable field displays the ship name.

The ship name could represent the customer name, branch location name, vendor name, or warehouse name.

Ship Name Extension

This non-editable field displays the ship name extension.

Addr Code

This non-editable field displays the address code.

Address Line 1

This non-editable field displays the first line of the shipping address.

Address Line 2

This non-editable field displays the second line of the shipping address, if applicable.

Address Line 3

This non-editable field displays the third line of the shipping address, if applicable.


This non-editable field displays the city.


This non-editable field displays the state or province.

Postal Code

This non-editable field displays the postal code.


This non-editable field displays the country.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the SHIP_ID (Ship ID) table.

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