Use this screen to create a release for a blanket purchase order.
A blanket purchase order typically represents an agreement between a company and a vendor to purchase products, goods and/or services on a regular basis at a specified price over a period of time.
A blanket purchase order has a designated quantity and/or monetary value associated with it and can be used repeatedly until this amount diminishes entirely.
A release is a request to the vendor to perform a portion of the services needed or to deliver a portion of the materials requested within the timeframe designated by the blanket order.
If the vendor is flagged as a payroll vendor, if its Vendor Status for PO is On Hold, or if the vendor has an Approval Code of Not Approved, the release cannot be created. If the vendor has an Approval Code of Pending, you will receive a warning, and the purchase order release is saved with a status of Pending for both the PO line and PO header. |
This screen displays two tabs, one subtask, and a table window. These fields can be used as follows:
Use the Details tab to view buyer, vendor, and change order information for the blanket purchase order and release. Although most of the fields in this tab are non-editable, the PO Release Info group box displays editable fields.
Use the Restrictions tab to view the blanket purchase order restrictions and totals. Although most of the fields in this tab are non-editable, the Period of Performance group box displays editable fields.
Use the Exchange Rates subtask to view exchange rate information.
Use the table window to enter release information for the blanket purchase order line. You can change the default view of the data in this window from Table View to Form View if you find it easier to view this data when it is organized by tab.
You must select the Query icon and enter your selection criteria in order to retrieve records in this screen.
You can use this screen to create a new blanket release or to view existing releases.
You must initialize the Employee User Flow (People\Maintain\Employee), Buyers (Materials\Configure\Purchasing), Project User Flow (Projects\Maintain\Project), Accounts (Accounting\Maintain\Accounts), Organization Elements (Accounting\Maintain\Organizations), Vendor User Flow (Materials\Maintain\Vendors), and the G/L Settings screens before you add record information in this application.
In addition, you must have created a blanket purchase order in the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders) before creating its associated release in this application.
Use the Query icon in this non-editable field to select the blanket purchase order from which the release will be created.
Use the non-editable fields in this group box to view the details of the blanket purchase order you selected. This information is retrieved from the Identification block of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
This non-editable field displays the change order number.
A change order represents the number of times a purchase order has been modified using the Create PO Change Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
This non-editable field displays the last release number.
This non-editable field displays the transaction currency.
This information is retrieved from the Identification block of the Enter
Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
These non-editable fields display the buyer ID and buyer name.
This non-editable fields display the vendor ID, vendor name, and vendor location.
Use the fields in this group box to enter information specific to this purchase order release.
This field displays the release number automatically assigned by the system. You can change this number, as needed.
To manually assign a new release, enter up to three numeric characters. The maximum number permitted is "999," and this value must be greater than the last release number you entered for this purchase order.
Buyer *
This field displays the buyer assigned to this blanket order. You can change this information, as needed.
To assign another buyer to this release, enter, or use Lookup to select, the buyer ID to associate with this purchase order release.
Select this checkbox to copy all of the line items from this blanket order to this release.
If you do not select this checkbox, the system will not copy all of the blanket order lines; however, you can select and copy one or more specific lines from the blanket purchase order for this new release.
Therefore, you can view multiple blanket order lines, copying specific lines to the release as needed.
This field displays the purchase order line number.
Costpoint automatically assigns sequential line numbers each time you add a new line to a purchase order.
You can overwrite the system-assigned line number; however, added line numbers must be unique for the purchase order. Duplicate line numbers will not be validated within the same purchase order.
This field displays your selection from the Copy All Blanket Lines checkbox.
If this checkbox is selected, this line item can be copied to the release. If this checkbox is not selected, this line item cannot be copied.
You can modify this field, as needed.
This field displays data that defaults from the purchase order blanket line.
If the purchase order line is a "Miscellaneous" line type, this field will be blank.
You can change this default data if the Restrict Release Items to Items on Blanket checkbox in the Blanket Info tab of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders) is not selected.
To modify this data, enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 25 alphanumeric characters to designate the item ID.
You can select a part, good, or service; however, you must have defined this item in the Parts User Flow, Goods User Flow, or Services User Flow screen (Materials\Maintain\Items), respectively.
This field displays the latest revision, if any, that is associated with the data you entered in the Item field.
You can change this data, as needed.
If you are using partial revisions, you can change the data in this field to an earlier revision.
This field displays the item description.
You can change the item description if you have selected one of the applicable checkboxes (Parts and/or Goods and Services) from the Product Definition Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Materials).
To change the item description, enter up to 60 alphanumeric characters. If you change the description, it will not update the item description in the Parts User Flow, Goods User Flow, or Services User Flow screens (Materials\Maintain\Items).
If you have not entered data in the Item field, you can enter a free-form description of up to 60 alphanumeric characters.
This non-editable field displays the line type.
The system updates this field, based on the type of item that has been ordered.
The system-defined types include:
P - This default is for items (parts) that exist in the Basic Part Data table. You established parts in the Parts User Flow screen (Materials\Maintain\Items).
G - This default is for items (goods) that exist in the ITEM table. You established goods in the Goods User Flow screen (Materials\Maintain\Items).
S - This default is for items (services) that exist in the ITEM table. You established services in the Services User Flow screen (Materials\Maintain\Items).
M - This default is for items (miscellaneous) that are left blank and for which only a description has been added.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid miscellaneous charge type, as applicable.
This field is only accessible when the Item field is left blank and "M" displays in the Line Type field.
You must have established the type in the PO Line Charge Types screen or the Sales Order Line Charge Types screen.
Status *
This non-editable field displays the purchase order line status.
This data defaults from the Status field in the Header tab of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
This field can display any of the following system-defined options:
Closed - This status indicates that you have closed this line and no further processing will occur.
Open - This status is the system default and is specific to standard purchase orders.
Pending - This status indicates that there are lines pending approval that cannot be received or invoiced against until their line status has been changed to "Open." You cannot have "Pending" lines unless the entire purchase order has a "Pending" status.
Void - This status indicates that there are lines that have been voided, and no processing will occur; in addition, there have not been any receipts entered for these lines. This will allow the system to indicate that a quantity was ordered but was later cancelled.
System Closed - This status indicates that the system closed this purchase order because it has been fully received (or vouchered if quantities are not entered).
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid unit of measure for the line item.
The unit of measure for the item entered displays as a default for this field from the Parts User Flow, Goods User Flow, or Services User Flow screens (Materials\Maintain\Items).
The data in the Lookup originates from the Units of Measure screen.
If the Misc Type field contains a charge type, the default unit of measure from the PO Line Charge Types screen will display.
If this is a blanket purchase order, this non-editable field displays the unreleased blanket quantity.
This value is system-calculated.
Enter the quantity to be released for this item.
This field displays the value you entered in the GrossUnit Cost field on the blanket purchase order line.
The Gross Unit Cost field displays in the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
You can modify the value in this field if the Do Not Exceed Blanket Gross Unit Cost on Rel Line drop-down box in the Blanket Info tab of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders) displays "No."
This field cannot be populated for subcontract POs.
This field displays the value you entered in the Volume Discount field of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
You can change this value, as needed. Changing this value will cause the system to recalculate the value in the Net Unit Cost field.
You can enter the volume discount percentage to be applied to the Gross Unit Cost of the item being ordered; for example, enter a 5.25% discount as "5.25."
The discount percentage is intended as a volume discount, and not as a purchase or cash discount. If the discount percentage is not known, it may be left blank and the system will automatically derive the value based on the information you entered in the Gross Unit Cost and the Net Unit Cost fields.
The system default is 0.00%.
This field cannot be populated for subcontract POs; in addition, this field does not apply to blanket orders or releases.
This field displays the value you entered in the Net Unit Cost field on the purchase order blanket line.
The Net Unit Cost field displays in the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
You can modify this value as needed, entering the Net Unit Cost of the item being ordered. Changing this value will cause the system to recalculate the value in the Volume Discount field.
Net Unit Cost is the cost of one unit of the item after any Volume Discounts have been applied.
This field is required when a quantity has been entered.
This field cannot be populated for subcontract POs; in addition, this field does not apply to blanket orders or releases.
This non-editable field displays the unreleased blanket amount. This amount is system-calculated.
This field cannot be populated for subcontract POs.
If this is an amount-only blanket line, enter the amount of this release.
Due Date *
This field displays the Due Date from the Other Defaults tab of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
Enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, a different date by which the vendor is committed to supply the items ordered. You must enter this date in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
This date will be used as a basis for calculating the vendor performance.
This field displays the date from the Due Date field in the table window of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
Enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, a different date. You must enter the date in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
This field displays the date from the Desired Date field from the Other Defaults tab of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
Enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, a different date. You must enter this date in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
This date represents the date by which delivery of the items ordered is desired.
This field displays the date you entered in the Starting field in the Blanket Info tab of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
Enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, a different beginning date for the time period during which the purchase order should be in effect. You must enter this date in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
The system displays the date you entered in the Ending field in the Blanket Info tab of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
Enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, a different ending date for the time period during which this purchase order should be in effect. You must enter this date in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
If the item being ordered is an inventory item, enter, or use Lookup to select, up to six alphanumeric characters to identify an inventory abbreviation.
You established inventory abbreviation information in the Inventory Projects screen.
If the item ordered is an inventory item, enter, or use Lookup to select, up to eight alphanumeric characters to designate the warehouse ID.
If you entered an inventory abbreviation in the Inv Abbrev field in this table window, the system automatically displays the Planned Warehouse ID from the Inventory Projects screen as a default for this inventory project/inventory abbreviation. You can modify this data, as needed.
If you did not enter an inventory abbreviation in the Inv Abbrev field in this table window, the system automatically displays the data from the Warehouse field in the table window of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
This non-editable field displays the data from the Manufacturer field of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
This non-editable field displays data from the Configuration field in the table window of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
You established Configuration IDs are established in the Configuration Identifiers screen.
This field displays data from the Ship ID field in the Other Defaults tab of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a different ship ID to indicate where the ordered item ordered is to be delivered.
Ship IDs are assigned to vendors in the Addresses subtask of the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors and Materials\Maintain\Vendors).
You can view ship IDs in the Display Ship IDs screen (Materials\Configure\Purchasing). You can only enter a Ship ID in this field if it exists in the Display Ship IDs screen (Materials\Configure\Purchasing).
The record information you enter in the Branch Locations, Vendor User Flow (Materials\Maintain\Vendors), Customers (Materials\Maintain\Customers), and Warehouses screens is stored in this Display Ship IDs screen.
This field is required unless the purchase order line is an amount-only (no quantity) two-way match. This is true as long as the two-way match is not taxable. If it is taxable, a ship ID is required in order to enter a tax ID code.
This field displays the data from the Deliver To field in the Other Defaults tab of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
Enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters to indicate a different name of the department or individual to whom the item will be delivered.
This field displays the data from the Requisition field in the Other Defaults tab of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 10 alphanumeric characters to specify a different requisition ID from which the ordered item was originally requested.
This non-editable field displays data from the Gross Unit Cost field in the Functional column of the Currency Line subtask of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
Functional currency represents your company's primary or base currency.
This non-editable field displays data from the Net Unit Cost field in the Functional column of the Currency Line subtask of the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
This amount displays in your company's functional currency. Functional currency represents your company's primary or base currency.
This non-editable field displays the amount on this blanket purchase order that has been released. This amount displays in your company's functional currency.
Functional currency represents your company's primary or base currency.
This non-editable field displays data from the Unreleased Amt field in the Functional column of the Currency Line subtask in the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
This value represents the amount of this blanket purchase order that has been released and is displayed in your company's functional currency.
Functional currency represents your company's primary or base currency.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Click on this link to open the Exchange Rates subtask, where you can view exchange rate information.
Changes to the screen update the PO_HDR (Purchase Order Header), PO_LN (Purchase Order Line), and PO_LN_ACCT (Purchase Order Line Account) tables.