Field Descriptions

Table Information


Auto-Allocate Charges

What can I do in this subtask?

Use this subtask to automatically assign charge types, amounts, and tax information to the selected voucher line.

This subtask gives you the ability to enter a fixed cost that was entered at the voucher header level and have it automatically allocated to individual voucher lines.

The costs will be allocated based on the percentage of the total voucher line amount charged to each voucher line.

When should I use this subtask?

Use this subtask whenever you need to allocate a particular cost over several voucher lines, such as freight. You must first establish charge type codes in the PO Line Charge Types screen.

Field Descriptions

Charge Type *

Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid charge type. You must have established the charge type in the PO Line Charge Types screen.

The full description of the charge type will display in the uneditable field to the right.

Amount *

Enter the value for this charge type. This amount should not include any sales or use tax.

This amount must be greater than zero and less than 12 digits to the left of the decimal. The total amount for all line charges entered displays on the main screen as the line charge cost amount.

Tax *

For the line of the voucher being entered, use this drop-down box to indicate whether it is taxable by selecting "Sales Tax," "Use Tax," or "Non-Taxable."

Eligible for discount

Select this checkbox to indicate that the selected voucher is eligible for discount.

Auto Allocate

Select this pushbutton to add a line charge. This will also allocate the amount over all existing voucher lines.

* A red asterisk denotes a required field.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the VCHR_LN_CHG (Voucher Line Charge), VCHR_LN (Voucher Line), VCHR_LN_ACCT (Voucher Line Account), and the VCHR_HDR (Voucher Header) tables.

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