Use this tab to enter and/or view default shipping and delivery information.
This data provides defaults for the purchase order lines.
Use this tab to add or change other defaults on purchase orders or blanket orders.
Use this screen to supply defaults prior to line item entry to reduce data entry time.
You must initialize the Employee User Flow (People\Maintain\Employee), Buyers (Materials\Configure\Purchasing), Project User Flow (Projects\Maintain\Project), Accounts (Accounting\Maintain\Accounts), Organization Elements (Accounting\Maintain\Organizations), Vendor User Flow (Materials\Maintain\Vendors), and the G/L Settings screens before you add records in this tab.
Use the fields in this group box to enter default shipping information for the purchase order.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 20 alphanumeric characters to designate a ship ID. The ship ID specifies where the order is to be delivered.
The optional default ship ID entered in the Purchasing Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Materials) displays as a default in this field, as applicable, and can be changed, if necessary.
You can establish a ship ID in the Addresses subtask of the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors) to indicate that the materials ordered on a purchase order may be shipped to that vendor. In this circumstance, the ship ID will automatically display in this field as a default.
You can view ship IDs in the Display Ship IDs screen (Materials\Configure\Purchasing). You can only enter a ship ID in this field if it exists in the Display Ship IDs screen.
The address record information you enter in the Branch Locations, Vendor User Flow (Materials\Maintain\Vendors), Customers (Materials\Maintain\Customers), and Warehouses screens is stored in the Display Ship IDs screen.
Enter up to 15 alphanumeric characters to identify the vendor's shipping method for the order.
Select this checkbox if the item is to be drop-shipped to an outside location.
This information is used primarily for sales order transactions. The drop-ship information will allow users to identify which orders were drop-shipped directly to a customer rather than delivered to a company delivery address.
Use the drop-down box to make a selection. Your choices are "Use Item Type Default," "All Items Taxable," and "All Items Non-Taxable."
The system-defined selections are as follows:.
Use Item Type Default - This selection indicates that the taxable status will be determined by the item's taxable status in the Taxable group box in the Product Definition Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Materials) or the PO line charge type code for miscellaneous PO lines.
All Items Taxable - This selection indicates that all purchase order line items will default to taxable.
All Items Non-Taxable - This selection indicates that all purchase order line items will default to non-taxable.
Use the fields in this group box to enter default delivery information for the purchase order.
Enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters to identify the department or individual's name that is to receive the order.
Enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, a default desired date. You must enter this date in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
This date represents the date the item ordered is desired by the requester.
The desired date will default to the purchase order line level and can be changed, if necessary.
If you leave this field blank, the system/current date defaults in this field for a new (unsaved) purchase order.
If you change the date in this field for an existing PO, you will have the option to change the desired date for all existing PO lines for this purchase order to this new date.
Enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, a default due date. You must enter the date in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
This date represents the delivery date that the item ordered is due from the vendor; it is the date by which the vendor is committed to supplying the items ordered.
The due date will be used as the basis for calculating the number of days late for this vendor.
The due date will default to the purchase order line level and can be changed, if necessary.
If you leave this field blank, the system/current date defaults in this field for a new (unsaved) purchase order.
If you change the date in this field for an existing PO, you will have the option to change the due date for all existing PO lines for this purchase order to this new date.
Use the drop-down box to make a selection. Your choices are "Yes" and "No."
Select "Yes" from the drop-down box to allow the system to automatically create a PO voucher when the PO meets two- or three-way matching requirements.
This value will default from the vendor. It will also serve as a default for each PO line.
If you select "No" from the drop-down box, the default will disallow the automatic creation of PO vouchers.
Enter the volume discount percentage to be applied to the gross unit cost of the item being ordered, as applicable.
The discount percentage is intended as a volume discount, and not as a purchase or cash discount.
Format example, enter a 5.25% discount as "5.25."
Enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters to identify the requisition number from which the order originated, as applicable.
The requisition number will default to the purchase order line level and can be changed, if necessary.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 10 alphanumeric characters to identify a default order reference number.
The order reference number is a manufacturing order or internal sales order number. The order reference number will default to the purchase order line level and can be changed, if necessary.
Changes to this screen update the PO_HDR (PO Header) and PO_LN (PO Line) tables.