Use this subtask to establish or modify additional charges for a line item on the purchase order, as applicable.
This subtask is disabled for subcontract purchase orders.
Use this subtask to view, enter, or modify purchase order lines.
You must initialize the Employee User Flow (People\Maintain\Employee), Buyers (Materials\Configure\Purchasing), Project User Flow (Projects\Maintain\Project), Accounts (Accounting\Maintain\Accounts), Organization Elements (Accounting\Maintain\Organizations), Vendor User Flow (Materials\Maintain\Vendors), and the G/L Settings screens before you add records in this tab.
This non-editable field displays the purchase order number.
This non-editable field displays the release number.
For a new purchase order, "0" displays as the default in this field.
This non-editable field displays the purchase order line number.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 30 alphanumeric characters to identify the description of the additional purchase order line type.
This non-editable field displays the total amount for the purchase order line.
This non-editable field displays the total amount of the purchase order line.
Code *
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to six alphanumeric characters to identify the charge type code for this purchase order line charge.
The data available in the Lookup originates from the PO Line Charge Types screen.
This field initially displays the description entered for the charge type in the PO Line Charge Types screen.
You can change this default description, as needed. To do this, enter, or use Lookup to select, a different charge code description containing up to 30 alphanumeric characters for this line charge. [The code is validated, but the description is not.]
Amount *
Enter the amount of the line charge.
Use the drop-down box to make a selection. Your choices are "Yes" and "No.
"Yes" indicates that tax will be calculated for this charge type; "No" indicates that this charge type is non-taxable.
The system automatically displays the default taxable status assigned to this charge type in the PO Line Charge Types screen and can be changed, if needed.
This non-editable field displays the sales tax/VAT amount for any taxable line charges.
Select this pushbutton to close or hide the subtask.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Changes to this screen update the PO_LN (PO Line) and PO_LN_ACCT (PO Line Account tables.