Use this screen to enter comments or additional detail specific to a purchase order and its related purchase order lines. The notes you enter in this screen will not print on the purchase order and can only be viewed internally.
Buyers, for instance, can enter notes associated with their communications with vendors; this information may be viewed and shared in the PO Status Inquiry screen (Materials\Review\Purchase Orders).
The "expediting" concept is relative because buyers may select purchase orders that are past due (or almost due) and contact the vendor for updates. Information specific to this issue can be included in expediting notes and made available to requesters and project managers.
You should initialize the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders) before adding records in this application.
PO *
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 10 alphanumeric characters to identify a purchase order number for which you want to enter expediting notes.
Release *
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to six numeric characters to identify the release number.
The data in the Lookup originates from the Enter Purchase Orders or Create Blanket PO Releases screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
If this is a blanket purchase order release, the system displays the associated release number, if applicable.
This non-editable field displays the change order number specific to the purchase order you selected, if applicable.
A change order represents the number of times a purchase order has been modified using the Create PO Change Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
This non-editable field displays the purchase order type. These types include "Purchase Order," "Blanket," and "Release."
These non-editable fields display the vendor ID and vendor name assigned to this purchase order as indicated in the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
This non-editable field displays the buyer assigned to this purchase order as indicated in the Enter Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
This non-editable field displays the purchase order status. Purchase order statuses include "Pending," "Open," "Closed," "System Closed," and "Void."
Enter up to 254 characters indicative of expediting notes associated with this purchase order.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Changes to this screen update the PO_EXPDT_NOTES (PO Expediting Notes) table.