Use this subtask to associate a buyer with a specific vendor.
You can also assign a buyer to a purchase requisition, if you selected the Preferred Vendor radio button in the Buyer Assignments group box of the Requisition Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Materials).
You can use this subtask to link buyers to vendors, as needed.
Vendor *
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 12 alphanumeric characters to designate a valid vendor ID.
The vendor must not be flagged as a payroll vendor, and its Vendor Status for PO must not be On Hold. The vendor's Approval Code must not be Not Approved.
If the vendor has an Approval Code of Pending, you will receive a warning.
The lookup data originates from the Vendor User Flow screen (Materials\Maintain\Vendors).
This non-editable field displays the vendor name.
This non-editable field displays the vendor location.
Select this pushbutton to close or hide the subtask.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Changes to this screen update the BUYER_VEND (Buyer Vendor) table.