Use this subtask to associate a buyer with valid account/organization combinations.
You can also establish default account/organizations in this subtask that will automatically be linked to a specific buyer. The primary purpose of this subtask is to limit or restrict buyer purchasing by charge numbers. You may also assign buyers to requisitions using this option.
You can use the Query icon to enter your selection criteria, thus narrowing the number of records you can choose to link to this buyer.
You can use this subtask to link buyers to account/organizations, as needed.
This subtask displays two table windows. The left (primary) table window displays all account/organization combinations in Costpoint; the right (secondary) table window displays all records you have linked to the buyer.
You can link records to the buyer by selecting them from the primary table window and transferring these records to the secondary table window using the Select pushbutton, or by manually adding them to the secondary window, directly.
The records in the primary table window are non-editable; the records in the secondary table window, however, are editable.
After you link a record to a specific buyer, only those buyers will be permitted to charge the account/organization combination during purchase order entry.
This non-editable field displays the account ID.
The non-editable field displays the organization ID.
This non-editable field displays the account name.
This non-editable field displays the organization name.
This non-editable field displays the account/organization status.
If "Y" displays in this field, the account/organization combination is active in Costpoint; "N" indicates the account/organization is not active.
Account *
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the account ID. The data in the Lookup originates from the Accounts screen (Accounting\Maintain\Accounts).
Costpoint examines your entry to ensure its validity.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the organization ID. The data in the Lookup originates from the Organization Elements screen (Accounting\Maintain\Organizations).
Costpoint examines your entry to ensure its validity.
This non-editable field displays the account name.
This non-editable field displays the organization name.
Select this checkbox to make this the default buyer for this account/organization combination when new requisitions are created.
This selection will flag the buyer as the default buyer on a purchase requisition if you selected the Proj/Acct/Org radio button in the Buyer Assignments group box of the Requisition Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Materials).
This non-editable field displays the account/organization status.
If "Y" displays in this field, the account/organization combination is active in Costpoint; "N" indicates the account/organization is not active.
Select this pushbutton to close or hide the subtask.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Changes to this screen update the BUYER_ORG_ACCT (Buyer Organization Account) table.