Use this screen to assign billing rates, rate types, and effective dates to the PLCs that have been selected for use on the project.
The effective dates entered in this screen are compared to the effective dates in the Maintain Labor Summary (Projects\Configure\Project History) and the Open Billing Detail (Projects\Maintain\Billing) screens during the Load Labor Rates process (Projects\Process\Revenue).
The Load Labor Rates process will evaluate the effective dates in order to load the correct rates into the Maintain Labor Summary and Open Billing Detail screens. The computation of revenue and billing is based on the data in the Maintain Labor Summary and Open Billing Detail screens.
You must select a rate type for each PLC in the table. The rate type determines how the labor rate is calculated.
Use this screen after you have assigned specific PLCs to the project and before you run the Load Labor Rates (Projects/Process/Billing), Compute Revenue (Projects/Process/Revenue), or Calculate Bills (Projects/Process/Billing)processes.
Use the field in this block to identify the project for which you want to assign labor rates, rate types, and effective dates.
Project *
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the project for which you want to enter labor rates, rate types, and effective dates.
You should use the same level of the project where the labor rates were assigned in the Assign PLCs screen (Projects\Maintain\Labor Categories).
Use this table window to assign a billing rate, rate type, and effective dates to each PLC that was selected for the project.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a PLC for which you want to assign a rate. The PLCs available in Lookup will be those that have been assigned to the project in the Indentification block at the top of the screen.
This non-editable field displays the PLC description that was assigned to the PLC in the Project Labor Categories (PLCs) (Projects\Project Setup\Project Labor) or the Assign PLCs (Projects\Project Setup\Project Labor) screens.
Enter, or use the drop-down box to select, a rate type. The following rates types are available.
Select "A" (Actual Rate) if you want the actual rate to be used in the calculation of revenue and billings. The rate will be calculated using total labor cost divided by hours incurred.
Select the "B" (Billing Rate) if you want to enter a loaded T&M rate. This rate type is the default for this field.
Select "C" (Ceiling Rate) if the actual rate exceeds the ceiling rate.
Select the "S" (Standard) rate if you want a rate that is equal to the Salary/Hourly rate per employee in the Employee Salary Information screen (People\Maintain\Employee). This rate reflects the standard rate without any auto adjusting on the timesheet. Multipliers will be applied against the "S" (Standard) rate type.
Select the "T" (Transactional) rate type if your project uses multicurrency rates and you do not want this rate to be subject to conversion.
Enter a billing discount percentage to be applied against this billing rate. The discount percentage can be greater than 100% but cannot be negative. This field is visible only if the Discount Method is "PLC Discounts" in the Project Billing Information screen (Projects\Maintain\Billing) or the Revenue Information screen (Projects\Maintain\Revenue).
Enter the starting date on which the labor rate is available. If this field is left blank, the billing rate will not have a start date, and will be available for the earliest open start date through the date specified in the Ending Date field. The system compares the Starting Date field to the effective date in the Open Billing Detail (Projects/Maintain/Billings) and Labor History screens during the Load Labor Rates process (Projects\Process\Billing).
Enter the ending date for the billing rate specified. If this field is left blank, the billing rate will not have an ending date, and will be available any time after the Starting Date, with no ending date. The system will compare the Ending Date field to the effective date in the Open Billing Detail and Labor History screen during the Load Labor Rates process (Projects\Process\Billing).
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Changes to this screen update the PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC (Project Labor Category Rate Schedule) table.