Field Descriptions

Table Information


Project Labor Categories (PLCs)

What can I do in this screen?

Use this screen to set up Project Labor Categories (PLCs) to be used for charging projects. The system uses these PLCs and related billing rates to compute revenue and billing on loaded labor projects. You must populate this company-wide table before you can use PLCs in the other project-specific screens.

This function builds the table of all PLCs, irrespective of project. Once you have defined a PLC here, you can assign it to any project, or you can use the PLC without a project and assign it a general billing rate for all projects.

You can use PLCs with or without billing rates.  You can set up billing rates on a company-wide basis, by project, or by employee and project.

This screen consists of a table window and a subtask.  They can be used as follows:

When should I use this screen?

Use this screen to initialize any new PLC, irrespective of whether the category will be used company-wide or attached to a project.

Note: Use Query to populate this screen.


Warning:  Do not delete or change a PLC after it has been used in a transaction.  Once a PLC has been used in the system, the PLC becomes part of the Labor History table and should not be changed.

Field Descriptions

Labor Category Table Window

Use the fields in this table window to establish labor categories and labor category descriptions.

Labor Category *

Enter, up to six alphanumeric characters, a code that will be used to define a labor category.

The labor category can represent a single employee or a group of employees who have similar skills and perform similar tasks.

Description *

Enter, up to 30 alphanumeric characters, a description of the PLC entered in the Labor Category field.

This description is user-defined and will appear on  Billings and Projects reports whenever the PLC is used.  You can change this description in the Assign PLCs screen in the Project User Flow (Projects\Maintain\Project) if a project requires a unique description.

* A red asterisk denotes a required field.

Billing Rates

Use the Billing Rates subtask to enter the billing rate and a starting and ending date for that billing rate. The billing rates entered in this table are company-wide billing rates.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the BILL_LAB_CAT (Billing Labor Category) table.

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