Field Descriptions

Table Information


Pool Cost Creation

What can I do in this screen?

Use this screen to set up the cost portion of your cost pools. In addition, you can use this screen with the Pool Base Creation screen (Projects\Maintain\Allocations) and the Create Pool Links screen (Projects\Process\Allocations) to quickly establish or add to your cost pools. To use the Pool Cost Creation screen, you must first use Find or Query to select a valid cost pool. Before you can use this screen, you must have already established and saved the cost pool in the Cost Pools screen (Projects\Maintain\Allocations) and entered the default allocation credit account in the Default Accounts subtask.

Use the wildcard feature to help you quickly set up the account/organization combinations that will form the cost (numerator) portion of your cost pool. Instead of using the wildcard feature, you also can enter individual cost account/organization combinations in this screen, which is helpful if some of your combinations are not easily set up using wildcards. Another alternative is to establish your cost pools by selecting them in the Cost Pools screen, using the Pool Cost subtask.

You can add only new account/organization combinations in this screen; you must perform changes or deletions to existing combinations in the Pool Cost subtask of the Cost Pools screen.

After completing this screen and, optionally, the Pool Base Creation screen, you can establish the links for the accounts and organizations selected in the Create Pool Links screen. After completing the Create Pool Links screen, you can review and fine-tune the combinations, if necessary, in the Pool Cost subtask of the Cost Pools screen.

When should I use this screen?

Use this screen when initializing a cost pool or service center. After you have initialized cost accounts, you need to use this screen only to add additional account/organization combinations.  You should review this screen and run the Create Pool Links screen (Projects\Process\Allocations) each month to ensure that all changes and additions to the account/organization structure are incorporated in the pools structure.

Field Descriptions


Use the fields in this block to select an allocation group, fiscal year, and pool number for the pool for which you want to create cost pool records.

Allocation Group *

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the allocation group number for the pool to which you want to add records.

The field to the right displays the description of the allocation group.

Fiscal Year *

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the fiscal year of pool to which you want to add records.

Pool Number *

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the pool number of the pool to which you want to add records.

The field to the right displays the description of the pool number.

Table Window

Use the fields in this table window to enter the cost accounts and organization wildcards that you want to include in the cost pool.

Cost Account *

Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid cost account. When entering account numbers, you must enter the delimiters (dashes) between segments.

You can enter wildcards in this field. The wildcards are "%" and "_". Examples of their use are as follows:






Ends with 123



Begins with 123



Contains 123



Begins with 1 and ends with 3 and is 3 characters long


Note that the "%" wildcard denotes "any character, any length," while the "_" wildcard indicates "any single character."

Cost Organization *

Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid organization. When entering the organization, you must enter the delimiters (periods) between segments.

You can enter wildcards in this field. The wildcards are "%" and "_". Examples of their use are as follows:






Ends with 123



Begins with 123



Contains 123



Begins with 1 and ends with 3 and is 3 characters long


Note that the "%" wildcard denotes "any character, any length," while the "_" wildcard indicates "any single character."

* A red asterisk denotes a required field.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the POOL_COST_ACCTS (Pool Cost Accounts) table.

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