Use this subtask to maintain unit prices for items. Unit prices are identified by item for the designated project and Contract Line Item Number (CLIN). The system uses unit prices and price increments to compute unit-based billings and revenue for projects with unit-based revenue formulas. You can also enter this information for a given date or unit range. The information entered in this screen is stored in the CLIN_PRICE_SCH table.
To enter pricing information for a given project, CLIN, item, and revision, use Find or Query to select a valid record. You must have already entered the project, CLIN, item, and revision combination in the CLIN Information screen and its Link to Items subtask.
Initialize this subtask after entering CLIN information and linking it to items, and before generating automatic invoices.
What validations occur in this screen?
The following validations occur in the table window:
The unit price must be greater than "0.00."
Consecutive quantities from ".0001" to "9,999,999,999.9999" must exist for each date range. If a unit price is in effect for a given number of units, you must add additional lines to expand the number of units to these parameters. For example, if a particular unit price is in effect for the first 100 units, the From and To quantities entered on the first line of the table window should be ".0001" to "100.0000." Add a second line to the table reflecting the price increase for all units after number "100.0000." The From Quantity on this line should be number "100.0001," and the To Quantity should be "9,999,999,999.9999." There must be no gaps in the unit number.
There must be no overlap in the date range. If the ".0001" to "9,999,999,999.9999" unit quantity validation has been met, the Starting Date of the following line must be later than the Ending Date of the previous line.
There must be no gap in the date range. If the To Quantity does not equal "9,999,999,999.9999," the start date and end date of the next line must equal the start date and end date of the previous line. If the To Quantity does equal "9,999,999,999.9999," and there is an additional line, the start date of the next line must be one day later than the end date of the previous line.
This non-editable field displays the item of the selected project.
This non-editable field displays the revision of the selected item.
This non-editable field displays the currency code linked with the project, CLIN, and item number.
This non-editable field displays the item type of the selected project.
This non-editable field displays the item description.
This non-editable field displays the country code linked to this project and CLIN.
This non-editable field displays the selling unit of measure of the selected item.
Changes to this screen updates the following tables:
CLIN_PRICE_SCH (CLIN Price Schedule)
PROJ_CLIN_PROD (Project CLIN Product)
CLIN_WARR_CST_SCH (CLIN Warranty Cost Schedule)
PROJ_CLIN_PROD (Project CLIN Product)\