Field Descriptions

Table Information


Assign PLCs

What can I do in this screen?

Use this screen to assign Project Labor Categories (PLCs) to a specific project. The PLCs selected will be the only PLCs that can be charged to the project.  If you want to be able to charge any PLC to the project, you should not use this screen.  

You can change the PLC description after you have selected it in this screen.  This will allow some customization for each project.

If you assign a PLC to a project in this screen, you can enter project billing rates for that PLC in the following screens: the Project PLC Rates screen, the Empl/Vend PLC Rates screen, and the Billing Rates subtask of the Project Labor Categories (PLCs) screen (Projects\Maintain\Labor Categories).

Generally, PLCs are used on projects that use loaded labor billing or revenue formulas and those that require certificates of performance.  However, PLCs can be used on any project.

This screen is made up of two table windows and two subtasks.  They can be used in the following manner:

When should I use this screen?

Use this screen before you charge labor to your project.  If your project requires very specific labor categories then they must be established in this screen to enforce this limitation.  PLCs are not required in timesheet entry so if you fail to set up PLCs before labor entry you may have understated revenue and billings.

You must have set up the PLC in the Project Labor Categories (PLCs) screen (Projects\Maintain\Labor Categories) before you can assign it here.  You can add new PLCs to the project at any time.

Field Descriptions

Project Labor Categories

Use the table windows in this block to review and select the PLCs that you want to link to your project.


This non-editable column displays all of the PLCs that were set up in the Project Labor Categories (PLCs) screen (Projects\Maintain\Labor Categories). You can select any PLC and assign it to the project.


This non-editable column displays the description of each PLC.


Once you have highlighted PLCs in the Project Labor Categories table window, use this pushbutton to move them to the Assign PLCs table window.

Assign PLCs

Use this table window to review the PLCs that you have selected for use on the project.  You can change the description of the PLC, if necessary, to make it more specific to the project.


This non-editable column displays all of the PLCs that you selected and will form the "set" of all PLCs assigned to the project. These will be the only PLCs that can be charged to this project.


This editable column displays the description of each PLC. You can change the PLC description.

COBRA Mapping Value

Enter a Cobra mapping value.  Cobra mapping values are used by the Cobra Interface to link Costpoint labor categories to Cobra labor categories.  If you select the Project Labor Category Cobra UDEF radio button in the Costpoint Labor Mapping group box of the Maintain Cobra Budget Element Templates screen, you can enter a user-defined value in this field and use it to link to a value in the Cobra system. You will generally use this field if there is a value in Cobra that is not easily linked to anything in Costpoint. For more information on the Cobra Interface process, see the screen documentation.

Link GLC to Project PLC

Select this subtask link to open the Link GLC to Project PLC subtask, where you can establish the linkage between the General Labor Categories (GLCs) and Project Labor Categories (PLCs) for a specific project.

Project PLC Rates

Use this subtask link to open the Project PLC Rates subtask, where you can assign billing rates, rate types, and effective dates to the PLCs that have been selected for use on the project.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the PROJ_LAB_CAT (Project Labor Category) table.

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