Use this screen to create standard text.
Standard text represents additional detail that you may want to print on specific documents, such as purchase orders, requisitions, and designated reports. This detail might include special instructions, delivery requirements, or in-house procedures, for example.
Use this screen to determine whether standard text prints on internal paperwork, external forms, or both document types.
You can link standard text to the individual parts, goods, and services in the Assigned Standard Text subtask of the Parts User Flow, Goods User Flow and Services User Flow screens (Materials\Maintain\Items). Once you have associated the standard text code with a specific item, the text will automatically print on specific documents associated with that item.
This screen displays the Where-Used subtask, which you can use to link a standard text code to specific, system-assigned document types. There are 17 system-assigned documents that you can link to standard text codes.
You can use this screen to create standard text codes and link them to specific, system-assigned documents, as needed.
Enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters to identify the standard text code.
Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters to describe the standard text code.
Enter the text that will print on selected documents. You can enter up to 32,000 characters.
Select this radio button to print standard text on both internal and external reports and documents.
For example, this text might include special instructions for a vendor, or it might include information specific to delivery requirements.
Select this radio button to print standard text on internal documents only.
Accounting distributions and internal delivery instructions could be included in this print option, for example.
Select this radio button to print standard text on external documents.
General terms and conditions, for instance, or hazardous material instructions could be included in this print option.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Select this link to open the Where-Used subtask, where you can link standard text to specific, system-assigned documents.
Changes to this screen update the STD_TEXT (Standard Text) table.