Use this optional subtask to assign standard text to print on purchase orders for selected services.
After setting up the codes, you can assign them to services in this subtask so that the text associated with the code will print on any purchase orders, requisitions, or other specified documents that include the selected service.
This subtask consists of two table windows and one subtask and they can be used as follows:
The Standard Text table window displays the text codes that are available for selection. The text codes are set up in the Standard Text screen (Materials\Configure\Standard Text\Standard Text).
The Assigned Standard Text table window displays the text codes that have been selected for use on a specific service.
The Where-Used subtask displays the system-defined documents on which the standard text can be printed. The system-defined documents are linked to the standard text code in the Sales Order Standard Text screen.
Use this subtask when creating a service and before entering purchase orders. You can add standard text to a service at any time.
Use the fields in the table window of this block to select the text codes for the service.
This non-editable field displays the text codes available.
This non-editable field displays the text code description corresponding to information found in the Code field.
When you have highlighted the codes for the specific service, use the Select pushbutton to transfer them to the Assigned Standard Text table window.
This table window displays the text codes that have been selected for use on the service.
Code *
This non-editable field displays the Standard Text Code you selected for this service from the Standard Text table window.
This non-editable field displays the description associated with the selected standard text code in the Code field.
Use this field to activate or deactivate the standard text code for this service.
The system default is automatically set to active when the standard text code is originally selected. You can change it at any time.
This non-editable field displays the document print option associated with the Standard Text Code. These options are:
Both - This option prints text on both internal and external
Internal - This option prints text on internal documents
External - This option prints text on external documents
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Select this subtask link to open the Where-Used subtask.
This subtask updates the STD_TEXT (Standard Text) table.