Use this subtask to link standard text codes to specific, system-assigned documents.
You can link standard text codes only to those documents specified in this screen.
Use this subtask to link standard text codes to system-assigned documents, as needed.
This non-editable field displays the description of the system-defined documents available for selection.
The system-defined documents include "MO Assembly Sheet Header," "Bill of Material," "Sales Order Packing Slip," "Sales Order DD250 Invoice," "ECN Traveler," "Document," "MO Assembly Sheet Component," "Sales Order Invoice," "Sales Order DD250 Packing Slip," "MO Pick List," "Routing," "Purchase Order," "Request for Quote," "Purchase Requisition," "Sales Order Acknowledgment," "MO Routing Traveler," and "Sales Order Quotation."
Changes to this screen update the TEXT_WHERE_USED (Text Where Used) table.