Use this optional subtask to link documents to specific parts.
Use this subtask when you want to associate documents for specific parts. Documents available in this subtask are created in the Documents screen.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the name of a document to associate with a specific part.
You create the documents in the Documents screen.
Enter up to three alphanumeric characters for, or use Lookup to select, the revision of the document to which this part will be linked.
Enter up to six alphanumeric characters for, or use Lookup to select, the type of document.
This non-editable field displays the name of the document associated with the Document field.
Enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, the date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) when the document will begin being active for a specific part.
Enter the last ECN (Engineering Change Notice) effecting this part, if applicable.
This non-editable field displays the document's electronic location defined in the Documents screen.
Use the Browse for File pushbutton at this field if the location listed for the document is incorrect, and find the correct location. Use the Open File pushbutton at this field to view or edit the document.
Enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, the date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) when the document will cease being active for a specific part.
Use this drop-down box to choose "Yes" if this document is to be referenced on purchase orders, requisitions, and request for quotes for this part. Otherwise, choose "No."
Use this drop-down box to choose "Yes" if this document is to be referenced on receipt travelers for this part. Otherwise, choose "No."
Use this drop-down box to choose "Yes" if this document is to be referenced on MO (manufacturing order) assembly sheets for this part. Otherwise, choose "No."
Use this drop-down box to choose "Yes" if this document is to be referenced on MO (manufacturing order) routing travelers for this part. Otherwise, choose "No."
This non-editable field displays the document's release status: "Unreleased," "Released," or "Obsolete."
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
This subtask accesses the DOCUMENTS (Documents) and DOC_TYPES (Document Types) tables.